36-A Maine Antique Digest, March 2015
Mon., Wed., Thurs. 10-5
Fri. and Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-5
Closed Tuesday
*Item can be viewed on our Web site under this category
along with picture and price.
Phone #: 508-347-7190
P.O. Box 1122
Sturbridge, MA 01566
Fax #: 508-347-5420
Web site:
www.showcaseantiques.com5. Pickard china pastry plate in the
“Walled Garden” pattern, vellum
finish, signed Alex (Ruth Alexander),
marked Hand Painted Pickard China
within a gold leaf, circa 1912-1918,
10¾” D.
(*Cat.: China – Pickard)
6. Hand-painted sign on cardboard
advertising pianos for Thiebes-Stierlin Music
Co., 1118 Olive St., St. Louis; sign depicts a
woman in Victorian dress playing the piano,
marked G. C. Kirn Adv. Sign Co., 18 S.
Broadway, circa 1890, 22” L x 14½” H.
Advertising – General)
7. Santa riding reindeer tin and rubber windup,
unmarked, Japan, circa 1940’s, 5½” H.
Mechanical Reading Santa Claus tin and rubber
windup, original box, marked Made In Japan,
circa 1950’s, 7” H.
(*Cat.: Toys – Windup)
12. Staffordshire tulip
spill and quill holder,
bird décor, English,
1865, 3¼” H.
candlestick, grape and
vine décor, English,
circa 1810, 4¼” H.
(*Cat.: Staffordshire,
Stoneware &
16. Yellow Ware handled pitkin with
cover, ribbed design, unmarked, 6½” H.
Yellow Ware handled pitkin with cover,
ribbed design, unmarked, 7½” H.
Pottery – Yellow Ware)
14. Walking stick with
carved ivory dog’s head
handle, unmarked,
36½” L.
(*Cat.: Canes
& Walking Sticks)
13. Bohemia
wine ewer,
blue glass
with enamel
base and
spout with
a cherub on
the handle,
15” H.
Glass –
15. 14K yellow gold
jade and pearl heart-
shaped pin/pendant,
marked 14K, 1¼” H.
(*Cat.: Jewelry –
11. Major Taylor (Champion Bicycle Rider)
celluloid pin-back advertising Iver Johnson
Cycles, unmarked, ¾” D.
Major Taylor (Champion Bicycle Rider)
celluloid pin-back promoting Taylor vs.
McDuffee, Black vs. White, Charles River
Park, June 17th ’98, Purse $1500, marked
The Whitehead & Hoag Co., Newark, N.J.,
U.S.A., 1¼” D.
(*Cat.: Memorabilia –
10. American Flyer Railroad wood and
metal trestle bridge with track, standard
gauge, marked American Flyer R.R., circa
1930, 27½” L.
(*Cat.: Toys – General)
9. Tin litho sign depicting the S.S.
steamship, launched May
1911 by Anchor Lines, torpedoed on April
15, 1917 during WWI; she sank within 40
minutes with 210 lives lost, piece is marked
with its original label from The American Art
Works, Coshocton, Ohio, circa 1915, 36” L x
23½” H framed.
(*Cat.: Nautical)
1. Dedham Pottery coffeepot in the
“rabbit” pattern, fine crackle glaze,
marked Dedham Pottery within a
blue stamp, 8¾” H.
(*Cat.: Pottery
– Dedham)
2. Peter Ompir wooden cutting
board depicting a woman in
Victorian dress, done in tones
of brown, yellow, teal, and
white, signed Peter Ompir,
14” H.
(*Cat.: Peter
3. Peter Ompir metal tray
depicting the “King of Hearts”,
done in tones of red, yellow,
green, and black, signed Peter
Ompir, 12½” D.
(*Cat.: Peter
Santas on See-Saw w/Box $795!
• Imagine how much cash your antiques and
vintage collectibles could be putting in your pocket.
Stevens & Williams Pink Cased Vase $400!
• Imagine having a knowledgeable appraiser
determining top dollar for your valuables.
• Now imagine having a top antique consignment
center marketing your merchandise.
G.E. Edison Mazda Lamps Store Display $600!
• Imagine if these sold items were yours?
What would you be doing with all that extra cash?
Blue Tiffany Small Compote $425!
German Singing Bird in Cage $895!
Cranberry Swirl Opalescent Pitcher $225!
Consign today with Showcase Antique Center.
We know how to sell.
Savvy consignors trust Showcase Antique Center to sell
their antiques and vintage collectibles...
And so should you! We’re experts at matching sellers’
merchandise with buyers’ wants.
4. Pearl necklace with a 14K
white gold diamond and pearl
enhancer/pin, unmarked,
pearls measure 36” L,
enhancer measures ½” D.
(*Cat.: Jewelry – General)
8. Old India Pale Ale black and white cardboard
advertising sign; this is a crossover piece
encompassing the world of sports, comedy
and the stage, marked Old India Pale Ale,
Commercial Brewing Co., Boston, Mass., circa
1933, 14½” L x 9” H.
(*Cat.: Advertising –
At The Entrance To Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA