4-B Maine Antique Digest, March 2015
A London or Bristol delft tulip
and lily blue-dash charger, 13¼"
diameter, decorated with flowers
in vibrant hues of blue, green, yel-
low, and red, 1685-1710, sold on
the phone for $6900. A London
delft bianco-sopra-bianco punch
bowl, 1755-65, was inscribed
“Success to the British Arms”
within a foliate cartouche on the
interior. The exterior was deco-
rated with an island, a pagoda,
cracked-ice pattern stone walls,
trees, and a small building. The
10¼" diameter bowl sold for
A KPM porcelain plaque, 12½"
x 10", depicting Erbluth, after
Angelo Asti and signed “Maltz,”
bore the impressed scepter mark
and realized $6960.
A group of 53 Currier & Ives
prints was headed by the large
folio hand-colored lithograph
The Rocky Mountains. Emigrants
Crossing the Plains
by artist and
lithographer Fanny F. Palmer
(1812-1876). Published in 1866,
the 31" x 38" print was in a bird’s-
eye maple frame with a gilt liner.
The print was ninth on the list of
the original best 50 large folio
Currier & Ives prints. It sold on
the phone for $20,400. Another
phone bidder took the large folio
An Early Start
, 33½" x 41¾",
from “American Hunting Scenes,”
painted by Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait
(1819-1905), published in 1863.
It brought $13,800. Tait’s scene
An Anxious Moment
, 32" x
40", from the “Brook Trout Fish-
ing” series, was lithographed by
Charles Parsons and published in
1862. It was 38th on the list of
Currier & Ives: The New Best 50
prints and sold on the phone for
A Ralph E. Cahoon Jr. (1910-
1982) oil on board (24" x 20")
scene depicted a hot air balloon
decorated with an eagle and
shield, the basket filled with riders
wearing top hats. The scene also
had four smaller balloons and a
cupid with a horn but not a mer-
maid in sight. It sold for $9600.
As he hammered it down, auction-
eer Ron Bourgeault noted that the
painting will stay in New Hamp-
shire. The same bidder paid $7800
for an Edmund Charles Tarbell
(1862-1938) 21" x 17" oil on can-
vas portrait of a woman in a teal
dress, identified by a note on the
back as the artist’s niece Emily.
AnAmerican school pair of por-
traits (each 30" x 25") of a brother
and sister, circa 1830, sold on line
for $5400. Each was stamped on
the back “Prepared by Edward
Dechaux, New York.” Dechaux
was a colorman and purveyor of
stretched and prepared canvases
and other artist supplies.
A Roman oil on board, 6½" x
9", by Austro-Hungarian artist
Antonietta Brandeis (1848-1926),
depicting St. Peter’s and Castel
Sant’Angelo from the Tiber River,
sold for $5280.
A ship’s portrait depicted the
three-masted ship
Alexander Gib-
of Maine by Belgian artist
Henry Loos (active in Antwerp
1870-1904). It was signed and
dated 1879 and brought $3900.
While Bennington flint enamel
footbaths are seldom seen in the
market, three have turned up in
recent months. The first was the
example sold at Northeast in
August 2014 in Manchester for
$2400; the next was the exam-
ple that sold in October 2014 at
Skinner for $1845; and the most
recent, at this November sale,
brought $1800.
For more information, contact
Northeast Auctions at (603) 433-
8400 or check the Web site (www. northeastauctions.com).Ron Bourgeault pauses for a minute outside his historic 1818 Treadwell
Mansion in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where he holds auctions—no
more sales in Manchester—and will do so for the foreseeable future.
(See David Hewett’s article in the October 2014 issue, p. 30-E.)
From the Currier & Ives “Brook Trout Fishing” series, Arthur
Fitzwilliam Tait’s
An Anxious Moment
was lithographed by Charles
Parsons and published in 1862. It sold for $9600. Northeast Auc-
tions photo.
The Currier & Ives large folio hand-colored lithograph
The Rocky
Mountains. Emigrants Crossing the Plains
by artist and lithographer
Fanny F. Palmer (1812-1876) sold for $20,400. Northeast Auctions
Six Massachusetts North Shore Queen Anne maple side chairs,
with provenance including Israel Sack, realized $8700 on the
phone. Northeast Auctions photo.
A Massachusetts Sheraton mahogany card table with a ser-
pentine front and spiral and line inlay sold for $1680.
The Ralph E. Cahoon Jr. (1910-1982) oil on board,
24" x 20", sold for $9600.
The Pennsylvania Chippen-
dale walnut lowboy with shell
carving brought $4560 (est.
$1800/2800). Northeast Auc-
tions photo.
The New York Queen Anne cherry drop-leaf dining table had
Sack provenance and was illustrated in
American Antiques
from Israel Sack Collection
, vol. V. It sold for $5100. Northeast
Auctions photo.