16-CS Maine Antique Digest, March 2015
Offices in Plainfield, NH - Greenwich, CT - Sarasota, FL - Phoenix, AZ
Terms: Cash-Check-Major Credit Cards:
15% Buyer’s Premium Reduced to 13% with Cash or Check
No Sales Tax Catered Comfortable Seating
William G. Smith and Kenneth R. Labnon – Auctioneers
Leon Rogers – Gallery Manager
Visit our Website:
www.wsmithauction.comor email us at:
info@wsmithauction.comWilliam A. Smith, Inc.
Auctioneers & Appraisers
PO Box 49, Plainfield, NH 03781 603-675-2549
NH LICENSE #2825 - VT #57-702 – MA #525 – FL #AU-3179
Please join us for our annual winter estate auction. Leading the
way are some very good examples of Americana from local estates
including the Gardiner McLeay estate. Gardiner was a dear friend
and since Kay, his wife, will be moving to smaller quarters, we will
help her with the sale of some of their collection. We have retained a
large collection of jewelry from the estate of Joan Gray, along with
many others will make this a most delightful sale to attend, unreserved
and no internet bidding always make the Smith Auction experience
one like no other.
CT Chippendale cherry serpentine-front chest with ogee
feet, retaining an early surface and brass, from the same family as a
Chippendale cherry oxbow chest with ogee feet and old brass; 18th C.
MA birch Q. A. highboy, McLeay estate; Q.A. New England bandy-
leg tall chest in crusty old finish; Federal NH drop-panel bowfront
chest; other good Hepplewhite bowfront chests; Portsmouth, NH
Federal reeded-leg card table with bird’s-eye maple frieze; other
fine Federal card tables; NH bird’s-eye maple Sheraton secretary;
good Federal bird’s-eye maple linen cupboard; Chippendale curly
maple slant-lid desk; great early blue-painted pie safe with pierced tin
panels; another early pie safe from IL with the likeness of Abraham
Lincoln; ME Federal paint-decorated table; early blue-painted 2-dr.
blanket chest; other blanket chests and boxes in old paint; early
corner cupboard in old paint; several early country cupboards, some
in paint; Federal tiger maple Pembroke table with cross stretchers,
other Pembrokes; Q.A. 18th C. small size drop-leaf table; early oval-
top tavern table; Sheraton tiger maple chest of drawers; red-painted
bucket bench; Rhode Island Q.A. highboy base; set of 8 paint-
decorated Baltimore chairs; Federal Boston sofa; good Federal NY
dressing table with mounts; Silas Hoadley grandfather clock; Shaker
ladies work stand, Smith 1980 prov.; tiger maple 4-poster bed, other
beds; early hutch tables; set of Windsor chairs; early long dry sink;
much more Americana.
18th C. French walnut 2-part cupboard; 18th C. French walnut
inlaid buffet; country French farm table; fine English Edwardian
satinwood and inlaid china cabinet; English Edwardian satinwood
and inlaid demilune cabinet; Dutch marquetry inlaid early 2-part
cabinet; Dutch marquetry inlaid cylinder desk; English George III
mahogany sideboard; French 19th C. inlaid ladies writing desk; pr.
of carved and gilt French ballroom chairs; period French bench or
chaise; Scandinavian tester bed in old paint; English 2-part burl elm
corner cupboard; English Georgian sideboard; period English wine
cooler; 19th C. rosewood pier table; set of 8 English Regency chairs;
set of 6 Hepplewhite dining chairs; English 2-part linen press; small
English chiffonier; other.
20th Century: group of 3 occasional tables, copper and brass by
designer Silas Seandel; pr. of designer chrome and leather chairs;
quality mahogany breakfront; set of 10 Chippendale-style dining
chairs; triple pedestal Duncan Phyfe-style banquet table; modern
leather chairs and ottomans; pr. of Zebra skin chairs; Zebra skin
rug; lg. Bison head; Texas steer horn mounts; Lucite table; Arts and
Crafts drink table; etc.
Fine Federal inlaid wall mirror with swan’s neck crest;
18th C. carved and gilt Hepplewhite wall mirror; period eagle adorned
gilt convex mirror; other mirrors; 19th C. telescope with tripod, Th.
McAllister New York; Large 19th C. ship’s model, other smaller
model; early Nautical sextant; Jose Reyes Nantucket purse; rare
sailor-made spoon; early iron anchor; sheet metal weathervane farmer
and cow; sheet metal vane horse; antique copper weathervane rooster;
folky barbers pole sign; early hatters trade signs; country horse-drawn
wagon toy; dapple paint-decorated hobby horse; child’s size Empire
chest; various antique miniature chests; pipestone Native American
carving; Native American weavings and clay pots; collection of
early 19th C. silk and w/c embroideries; 19th C. paint-decorated
slide box; early painted game board; 18th C. maple chopping bowl,
paint decorated with George Washington; antique folky camera shop
advertising; early paint-decorated child’s bench; decorated stoneware;
NH birch bark artworks by Edw. Merrill, Blackville; early samplers;
Seth Thomas pillar and scroll clock; early percussion long guns; blue
spongeware; and much more.
A stringed instrument (tanpura) from India; signed French bronzes;
fine antique min. carved ivory figural (ladies desk) jewelry box; pr.
of early European mirrored wall sconces; Tiffany and Co. blue cut
overlay vase; ornate antique bronze chandelier.
early Chinese bronze Buddha; other early Asian bronze
figures; Chinese champlevé jardinière signed; 2 early bronze Asian
vessels; great 2-panel Japanese Meiji screen with fabulous ivory
inlays; pr. of cherry amber carved Chinese figures; Asian bronze
censers; selection of Chinese Export porcelains; Kutani Quan Yin
figure and tea set; good selection of antique Chinese porcelain lamps;
Japanese woodblock prints; 18th C. Chinese w/c ancestral portrait
of a military officer; China trade leather trunk; early red cinnabar
covered bowl; Asian carved doctors’ dolls; Japanese bronze mirror;
lg. Chinese antique ivory carving foo dog; Chinese wood carved
Buddhas; Asian jade; other Asian.
Fine Art:
Oil painting cotton pickers, by Wm. Aiken Walker; pr.
of lg. oils, Chinese motif still lifes by Hubert Vose; oil NYC winter
scene by Johann Berthelsen, Vose Galleries Prov.: oil painting house
and brook by Geo. Ames Aldrich; oil nude by David Wu Ject-Key;
fine oil Dutch windmills and boats by Auguste Musin; 19th c. English
landscape by Frederick R. Lee; oil A. Espoy; French landscape
by Le Poittevin; oil French scene by Hans Pippal 1949; pr. of oils
Alps by Franz Muller; oil European genre W. Amberg; (2)19th C.
Mt. Ascutney oil paintings, one by Charles W. Henry, a view from
Claremont, NH and the other a view fromWest Claremont; 19th C. oil
Indian encampment, Northwest coast; 2 paintings birds by Koopman;
early 19th C. portrait painting child and butterfly; 19th C. English
school oil, shearing sheep; English school pig painting, Samson the
prize pig; fishing scene oil by Paul Sample, w/c by Sample; oil by
Geo. Vincent; oil by H. Jacob; oil by Juho Rissanen; oil interior
genre by V. Shamberk; oil, Alexis Comparet; oil by Anthony Serres;
early English oil by E.C. Williams; Venice scene oil by Ferdinand
Burgdorff; w/c woman reading book by Albert Gebhard; Erte colored
litho., lilies and lace; artwork by Tiefeng Jiang; selection of Japanese
woodblocks; 2 Dali lithos; much more art.
Sterling Silver: including 3 flatware sets; other sterling silver.
Estate Jewelry:
Beautiful Victorian amethyst and pearl choker-
style gold necklace, approx. 65 ct. tw; a 3 stone diamond ring,
center diamond 1.75ct. (3) other one plus ct. diamond rings; A nice
assortment of antique carved jade necklaces. An unusual lava cameo
depicting a very nice carving of the Head of Medusa; Three sterling
silver vinaigrettes with English hallmarks and one silver enamel
perfume bottle; Sweet platinum Edwardian pearl and diamond
lavaliere necklace; Jumping horse pin in 18kt yellow gold and
diamonds; Gorgeous Madonna in 18kt yellow gold topped in silver
and accented with diamonds; Victorian opal and diamond ring in
14kt white gold; A sweet little green jade cabochon ring accented
with diamonds set in white gold; A great selection of women’s gold
wrist watches including a Van Cleef & Arpels and a Rolex; Two
matching Victorian rose gold and black enamel bangle bracelets;
A large selection of women’s chunky gold necklaces and bracelets;
A romantic strand of peachy salmon coral beads; Silver jewelry by
designer Lagos Caviar; David Yurman cable wrist watch in silver
and gold; Assorted gemstone and gold beaded necklaces; A nice
assortment of ladies gold and diamond brooches; Gent’s WWII
stainless steel Rolex; An assortment of gents’ gold jewelry, including
several rings, tie bar and cufflinks; Large assortment of ladies 14kt
yellow gold hoops, earrings, chains and gemstone necklaces, pendants
and more; A large assortment of silver Native American and Mexican
jewelry, some vintage, and much more!
Choice L.L. Bean handmade wood canoe; Oriental carpets, a selection
of room size and scatters.
Sorry, but no internet bidding, auctions the way you remember!
Major Winter Estate Auction
Fine Americana, Asian, Art and Jewelry
Smith’s Auction Gallery, Plainfield, NH
Sat., Feb. 28, 2015 at 10:00 am
Preview Fri. 27 from 12-6 pm and Sat. 8-10 am.
Early preview possible by appointment.
Oil, Geo.
Oil, signed F. R. Lee
Oil, signed Hans Pippal
Unsigned oil on wood board
Over 100 lots of estate Jewelry
Maple bowl early paint decoration
3 stone ring, 1.75ct center
Shaker work stand
Wm. A.
Antique Asian objects
Pie safe in old blue paint
CT oxbow
c. 1785