Maine Antique Digest, March 2015 13-CS
Renninger’s Adamstown
Open Every Sunday 7:30 to 4
2500 North Reading Road Denver, Pa. 17517
Rt. 272 Adamstown, Pa. Just 1/2 mile off PA tpk Exit #286.
Our Dealers Make the Difference
The Antiques Extravaganza is where dealers and collectors get together in
one place to buy, sell and trade among themselves and the general public.
Hundreds of dealers and thousands of buyers are expected to meet up for
this event.
Show Schedule
Thurs. 10-4 Adm. $15.00 - Fri. 8-4 Adm. $6.00 - Sat. 8-4 Adm. $4.00
Exhibitor Space available.
Mon-Thurs. 570-385-0104, Fri- Sat 610-683-6848
The Show is Located at 740 Noble St. Kutztown, Pa 19530
Kutztown open every Sat. 8 to 4
See website for other special events at this property.
2015 Extravaganza Dates
Apr. 23-25, June 25-27 Sept. 24-26
Special Sundays - April 26, June 28, Sept. 27
The indoor Market opens at 8 am all three days of the show.
Also the Farmers Market is open Friday & Saturday
March 21-22
Selection of Sta ordshire,
Pearlware, and Majolica
English papier mache
etagere, circa 1850
American Chippendale tiger
maple highboy, circa 1780
English tole decorated scenic
tray on stand
Miniature George III
style ebonized settee
19th century
Chinese coral carving
of beauties, late Qing/
Republic period, 8”h
Chinese gilt bronze
triple Fusee eight bell
musical automaton
bracket clock, 26”h
Large Russian Faberge
cigarette box executed in
rose gold, measures 4.5”l,
marked St. Petersburg
1908 1917
English Regency sterling
silver tea kettle on stand,
executed by Paul Storr,
1828, 112.90 troz. oz.
Wolf Kahn (American/German, b. 1927),
“Open Woods,” 1993, oil on canvas,
36” x 52” (one of four)
Alexandrite, diamond
and 18k white gold ring,
alexandrite weighs
2.07 cts., GIA Report
(two images showing
color change)
February 21-22
Upcoming Auctions at Clars Auction Gallery
Include an Important Collection from
the Estate of Richard Mellon Scaife
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