22-CS Maine Antique Digest, March 2015
Spectacular Firearms Auction
March 15 & 16, 2015 in Fair eld, Maine
Our March 2015 Firearms Auction should prove to be another stunning event with extraordinary arms from various renowned and iconic collections together with superb consignments from
various collection genres. One of the featured collections to be oered will be the Iconic Elmer Keith Estate Collection of Specialty Sporting Arms, probably the most famous and prolic
gun writer, scholar and big game hunter of the 20th Century. Also the Estate Collection of the Late Elliot Burka (past President of American Society of Arms Collectors) also known as “Mr.
Remington”. His renowned collection of Remingtons is known for its quality, rarity and diversity.e Richard Schreiber Collection of Sporting Arms - a prestigious Long Island collector; the
omas Connally Estate Collection of Sporting Arms; the George Reeb Collection of magnicent European Sporting Arms; the Steven Harris Collection of Single Bbl Trap Guns; the Second
Session of the Esteemed Norm Flayderman Estate Collection of Colts and Historic Antiques; the Second and Final Session of Evergreen Ventures Collection of Class III formerly on loan to the
Evergreen Museum in Oregon; the Second Session of the Springeld Arsenal Collection of Cannons & Artillery collected by world renown Artillery expert John Morris; the Fourth Session of
Dr. Georey Sturgess’ (Zurich, Switzerland) Collection of auto loading weapons.e nest of its type in private hands today; the Fourth session of the Dr. Douglas Sirkin Collection of KY Long
Ries and Antique; also an important collection of extraordinary Custer and Battle of Little Bighorn related objects; single owner collection of ne Winchesters and much more.
Evergreen Ventures, Inc.
Collection of Class III
Spring eld Arsenal, LLC
Session Four of the Spectacular
and Historic Collection of
Dr. Georey Sturgess
(Zurich, Switzerland)
Richard Schreiber Collection of
Sporting Arms
omas W. Connally
Estate Collection of
Sporting Arms
e George Reeb Collection of
European Sporting Arms
Collection from
Battle of the Little Bighorn
Collection of Elliot Burka
“Mr. Remington”
Steven Harris Collection
e Collection of
Dr. Douglas M. Sirkin
Esteemed Norm Flayderman
Estate Collection
e Iconic Elmer Keith Estate
e late Jim Corbett’s Tiger Rie-the best quality
boxlock .450-400 by W.J. Jeery & Co., with which
he killed so many man-eating tigers for the Indian
government (Elmer Keith Estate Coll.)
Very Rare Engraved
Remington New Model
Navy Conversion
Rare Cased & Factory Engraved
Remington New Model Belt DA Revolver
Frome Renowned Karl Moldenhauer
Superb Pair of E. J.
Churchill Premier
Sidelock XXV Game Guns
for Prince of Wales, Later
Edward VIII and the Duke
of Windsor
Spectacular & Rare Ansley H. Fox
Grade “M” Single Barrel Trap Gun
(e Steven Harris Collection)
Exquisite John Rigby
20 ga Sidelock
Engr. by Ken Hunt
w/Extra Bbls and Case
(omas W. Connally Estate Collection)
Fabulous Pre-War
G & H .416 Rigby #2203
(Richard Schreiber Collection)
Ultra Rare Gabbett-
Fairfax Mars M1901,
Caliber 8.5mm
(Collection of Dr.
Georey Sturgess)
1893 Krupp 65 MM #9 (Springeld
Arsenal, LLC Artillery Collection)
Spanish Bronze Mortar 1784 (Springeld
Arsenal, LLC Artillery Collection)
Rare Early 1877
Hand Drawn
Map of Custer
Battleeld by
William Philo
Remington Army Revolver,
Holster and Farrier’s Knife,
used by Lt. William W.
Cooke at e Battle of Little
Bighorn and taken from his
body by Indians
Archive of Col. Edward Anderson “e Infamous
Fighting Preacher” (Norm Flayderman Estate Coll)
Fabulous Gold Inlaid
Charlin Special Order
12 ga Game Gun
(George Reeb Collection)
Iconic WWII German MG42 Machine Gun
(e class III weapons formerly on loan to
the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum)
Rare Incised
Carved F/L KY Rie by
Lewis Armstrong (Coll.
of Dr. Douglas Sirkin)
George Schreyer
Relief Carved Kentucky
(Coll. of Dr. Douglas Sirkin)
Extremely Rare Remington Coral Gutta
Percha Cane Gun SN 41 in Caliber 32 RF
(e Elliott Burka Estate Collection)
e Last Word in
Sixguns - Colt SAA
“Number Five” in 44
Spl. (Elmer Keith
Estate Collection)
Rare and Unique James Byers Bronze
6lb Cannon Made For the State of New
York (Springeld Arsenal, LLC Artillery
Super Rare
Budapest Borchardt
Pistol Prototype SN
3 (Collection of Dr.
Georey Sturgess)
Confederate States Army D-Guard Bowie Knife
Carried By and Inscribed "Samuel W. Wilson" of
Goochland Light Artillery (N. Flayderman Estate Coll)
Lavish, full color catalogs will be available - $39 each or $75 for both. Free brochure upon request.
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