26-CS Maine Antique Digest, March 2015
Auctioneer: Ronald D Long, SCAL 509 and Firm, SCAL 316F
Estate of Margot Roebling DeHope
Estate of Mr. & Mrs. J. Donald Dial
Estate of Norman Citron
Estate of Dr. Waddell Barnes
Collection of Walter & Harriet Keenan
Also Including Private & Estate Collections from California, Florida, Georgia, New York, Texas, Virginia, and the Carolinas
Roebling Family Collection
fine silver and books
Fine Art, Sculpture & Glass
including works by Chagall, Dali, Matisse, Miro, Picasso,
Fine Southern Collections
Important furniture, fine and decorative arts
And So Much More
Silver, rare watches, fine jewelry, art glass, porcelain, and carpets
Discover Extraordinary Objects
Over 900 Lots to be Offered
Pre-order catalogues today by calling
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