Maine Antique Digest, March 2015 23-CS
Wes Dillon |
rearms@jamesdjulia.com| +1 207 453 7125 | Fax: +1 207 453 2502
www.jamesdjulia.com| Fair eld, ME | Lic#: ME: AR83 | MA: AU1406 | NH: 2511
March 15 & 16, 2015
Two rare Lloyd’s Patriotic Fund presentations
including historic 100 Guinea gold
presentation sword to Hero of Trafalgar Lt.
John Pilfold, Commanding the “HMS Ajax”
(R.N.), 1805. Ex-Flayderman. Also historic
presentation silver lidded wine cooler to Lt.
John S.Tracey for his actions on the “HMS
Centaur” in 1804 against the French corvette
“Curieux” at Port Royal, Martinique.
Extraordinary Henry
rie in superb condition.
¡e best we’ve had in the
last 25 years. A true piss-
cutter! Part of an excellent
Colt SAA Fact. Engr. .45
LC by Cuno Helfrecht
As Illust. on p 430 of Colt
Engraving Book. Sale incl.
a fabulous o¦ering of rare
Very Fine & Rare
Confederate Dance
Revolver. Part of an
important o¦ering of
Confederate items.
selection of ne and rare Winchesters
Other Fine Items of Interest
Captain Myles Keogh (killed at ¡e Battle of
Little Bighorn) Rare and historically important
medals. Keogh’s “Pro Petri” medal (given to
Keogh by Pope Pius IX for gallantry in the Papal
Wars of 1860, taken from his body at Battle of L.
B. Also, Keogh’s Order of St. Gregory medal.
Lt. Col. Geo. A. Custer’s rare
and historic M.O.L.L. U.S.
Medal, serial number 1641.
¡e only Custer medal known
in private hands.
Stunning 1909 Model Marsh-Metz Winchester Branded
Motorcycle. 1 of only 2 known to exist today
Rare Confederate Bronze Napoleon Cannon on
Carriage w/Limber, Only Confed. Napoleon ever
o¦ered at auction
Rare Singer Model
1911A1 Management
Pres. Semi-Automatic
Wonderful Spring eld ‘03 Mark I w/ Pedersen Device &
Accessories SN 25538
Important Confederate 1st National Type
“Liberty or Death” Flag with Extensive Prov.
Rare Confederate
Captured by A
Black Soldier In
¡e 54th Mass.
at Fort Wagner
Rare & Important Factory Engraved Colt 1855
Root Presentation Revolver to “Wm Read” -
Boston w/ Charter Oak Grips. Handed down &
consigned by direct descendants of the Read family
Gold and Silver
Finished, Gustave
Young Engr. SAA
1876 Centennial
Display Gun (Dr.
Gianni Spellman
Rare and Fine Confederate Naval O²cer's Sword
Rare and historic
Confederate frock coat of
Major James Ratchford.
Ratchford was John Bell
Hood’s aid de camp
Nearly New Cased Colt 1860 Army (One of
the Finest Examples Known)
Superb Pair of 1860 Armys Presented to J. R. Jones
Extremely Rare Engraved Colt Model
1849 Pocket Percussion Revolver In An
Extraordinarily Rare Book Casing
Winchester 1873 Dlx
Rie Cal 32 WCF w/
Much CC Remaining
Engraved Presentation Winchester 1866 SRC to
Custer Expedition Photographer W. H. Illingworth
in 1874, with Inscribed Watch
Extraordinary Boss
Best O/U 12 ga Two
Barrel Set with Case
Unique Lefever B Grade 3 Barrel Gun
In 16ga w/ Outstanding Collection
Recently Discovered Parker Bros A-1
Special 12 ga from Europe
Rare & Fine Cased H. H.¡omas-Paris 12 ga Pin re/central re dual
ignition with gold embellishments.
Elaborate & Fine
Mexican Vaquero Saddle
Rare Model 1893/95 Gatling Gun
on orig. carriage (Weapons formerly
on loan to Evergreen Aviation &
Space Museum)
Just Discovered:
Extraordinarily Rare Sam Bell
Solid Silver Bowie Knife, signed San Antonio,
Texas. 1 of only 2 known.
Historic Inscribed 1873
Winchester Rie From
Bu¦alo Bill
Fabulous L. C. Smith
.410's - Part of a
Spectacular Array of
"Elsies" in the March Sale
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