32-D Maine Antique Digest, May 2015
Yoicho Ohira (b. 1946),
Le Luci Sommerse
Murano, Italy, 2000, blown glass, pow-
der inserts, and partial battuto surface,
executed by Maestro Livio Serena and
Maestro Giacomo Barbini, etched “Per
Odetto Yoichi Ohira MO. L. Serena,
MO.G. Barbini 1/1 unico Thursday 16
Nov. 2000,” with artist cipher, 6½" x
6", exhibited by Barry Friedman Ltd.,
sold for $23,750 (est. $9000/12,000). Other
Yoicho Ohira vases sold over estimates for
$10,625, $11,250, $12,500, and $13,750.
There was a lot of bidding for this
Lino Tagliapietra (b. 1934) sculp-
tural vessel,
, Murano,
Italy, 2000. Blown and battuto glass,
it was signed and dated and 36"
x 12". It sold on the phone for
$37,500 (est. $10,000/15,000).
Lino Tagliapietra (b. 1934) sculptural
, Murano, Italy, 2001,
blown and battuto glass, signed and
dated, 23½" x 13", sold for $43,750
(est. $15,000/20,000). Battuto is a
method of blowing hot glass and
then carving it cold, according to
Suzanne Perrault, who made a
video about this piece of glass for
the Rago Arts website.
Richard Marquis (b. 1945) tall
glass sculpture
Patchwork Wiz-
ard Teapot
, Washington state,
1985, blown glass and mur-
rine, signed and dated with
copyright, 16" x 7½",
published in
Glass Now
sold for $18,750 (est.
Harry Bertoia (1915-1978) Sonambient
sculpture, Pennsylvania, 1970s, copper
and brass, unmarked, 12½" x 6" x 4¼",
sold for $25,000 (est. $14,000/18,000).
Wharton Esherick (1887-1970), ten
assorted hand-carved wooden door
handles, pulls, and latches, Paoli,
Pennsylvania, 1954, the largest
28½" x 2" x 1", sold on the phone
for $7500 (est. $2000/3000).
faux-bamboo bed, circa 1880,
bird’s-eye maple and maple,
67½" x 60½" x 84", interior
78" x 56½", sold for $8125
(est. $1000/1500) to an absen-
tee bidder who left a bid with
the auctioneer.
Paul Evans (1931-1987), Paul Evans Studio,
drum coffee table, New Hope, circa 1968, welded
and enameled steel, cleft slate, 23k gold leaf,
16¼" x 37", from the collection of Dorsey Read-
ing and in the 2014 Evans show and catalog, sold
on the phone for $21,250 (est. $10,000/12,000).
Dorsey Reading was Evans’s shop foreman.
“The Evans market is just where it should be,”
said Dorsey, who often repairs and restores
Evans work and authenticates it.
Three bidders, all
on phones, wanted
this L. & J.G. Stick-
ley massive trestle
New York, circa 1910,
unmarked, 29½" x
96" x 42". The win-
ner paid $23,750
(est. $3500/5500).
Drop-arm Morris chair,
Eastwood, New York, circa
1904, unmarked, 40½" x
33" x 37½", sold for $8750
(est. $6500/8500).
Art and Crafts wastebaskets are
in demand. This Gustav Stickley
wastebasket, Eastwood, New York,
circa 1907, with red decal, 14" x
12", sold on the phone for $5625 (est.
$1500/2000). A Roycroft wastebas-
ket, marked with an orb and cross,
made in East Aurora, NewYork, circa
1905, 13" x 12¼", sold for $1875 (est.
Limbert double
oval library table,
Grand Rapids, Michi-
gan, circa 1905, branded,
29¼" x 47½" x 35¾", sold
in the salesroom for $9375
(est. $6000/8000).
Greene & Greene armchair, Pasadena, Califor-
nia, mahogany, fruitwood, and upholstery, branded
“Sumner Greene / His True Mark,” 39¾" x 26" x 22",
sold for $32,500 (est. $15,000/25,000). This chair and
another like it (not shown) sold to
the same bidder on the phone for
the same price. They are from the
CordeliaA. Culbertson residence
in Pasadena. There is a sketch of
the chair in the Environmental
Design Archives of the
University of
California at
William Hunt Diederich (1884-1953)
U.S., 1930s, enameled wrought iron,
unmarked, 40" x 49",
from Robin Hill Farm,
Pittstown, New Jersey,
sold for $59,375 (est.
$10,000/15,000) .
(1921-2012), sculpted ash, signed “W.C.
’65,” 51½" x 26" x 19", sold on the phone
Wendell Castle music stand, commissioned by
musician and songwriter Robert Maxwell
for $43,750 (est. $18,000/24,000). Rago
sold another Castle music stand in
June 2011 for $33,480.
Wendell Castle (b. 1932)
lamp table, Scottsville, New
York, 1969, laminated and
carved walnut, single socket,
signed “WC 69,” 51" x 19" x
20", sold for $135,750.05 (est.