30-C Maine Antique Digest, May 2015
- SHOW -
This oil on board was painted
in 1970 by Haitian artist Sal-
nave Philippe-Auguste (1908-
1989). It was shown by Indigo
Arts Gallery, Philadelphia.
Tree of Many Fruits
was $4800.
Beaded designs by Nancy
Josephson (b. 1955)
were displayed by
Judy A. Saslow Gal-
lery, Chicago. These
resin and metal bird
salt and pepper shakers,
2014, embellished with
glass beads, vintage
enamel pieces, and
rhinestones, were
$1200. Each bird mea-
sures 5" x 3" x 8".
Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery,
London and New York City, was
a first-time exhibitor at the fair.
Her booth was a popular one. This
oil on board,
White Lilies
, 2014,
24 3/8" x 20½", by London artist
Hepzibah Swinford was $4860.
Swinford’s inspiration comes
from the rose garden at her rural
Scottish house, her china collection
of teacups and vases, antique mate-
rial swatches, and pictures by her
mother, artist Dora Holzhandler.
nie Swearingen (1908-
1993) painted this oil on
masonite in the 1970s. He
was born near Houston
and traveled during the
Depression to California,
where he picked grapes
and was a longshoreman
in Long Beach. Webb Gal-
lery, Waxahachie, Texas,
asked $8500 for
Galeria Estacao, Sao Paulo, Brazil, offered this Aurelino dos Santos untitled
acrylic on canvas from 2009. The artist was born in Bahia, Brazil in 1942. The
painting is 31½" x 39 3/8" and was $11,000.
Dennis Filling was born in New Castle, Pennsylvania, in 1949. His father was
a master penman who created certificates and citations. Seen here is one of
several drawings shown by the Ames Gallery, the first gallery to show Fill-
ing’s work. His abstract drawings, created in the 1960s and ’70s, are filled
with tiny black ink dots and thin lines, covering all the space on the paper. On
the reverse, Filling kept meticulous time sheets. Ames asked $3200 for this
drawing. Others ranged in price from $1900 to $5300.
American Primitive Gallery, New York City, displayed
NYC Skyline
, 2010,
by Raymond Materson. Made from threads of unraveled socks, it was priced
at $3000. Materson, born in 1954, is a self-taught artist who developed his
sewing skills while serving seven years in prison. He has continued creating
art since his release a number of years ago.
Andrew Edlin
Gallery, New York
City, displayed
Caught in Fence
by Ronald Lockett.
The paint on tin and
board with mixed
media, 25" x 36"
x 2", is not dated.
Edlin’s company,
Wide Open Arts,
produces the Out-
sider Art Fair. He
asked $6500 for it.