Maine Antique Digest, May 2015 27-C
This 1820-30 Sheraton sofa in birch came from the Wallace Bridge
estate, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia. It sold for $2800.
mahogany drop-leaf
table was attributed
to Thomas Nisbet. It
came from Saint John,
New Brunswick, and
sold for $4500.
This mahogany drop-side two-drawer sew-
ing table with basket was made by Thomas
Nisbet with his typical acanthus-leaf carv-
ings and drop finals. It came from the
Winslow house in Woodstock, New Bruns-
wick, and sold for $5700.
In original brown paint, this late 19th-century
pine birdcage from Albert County, New Bruns-
wick, sold for $90.
Portrait of a Young Man
by Fred Ross measured
14" x 11½" and went for $900.
Gondola Point Ferry on the Kennebecasis River, Looking towards the
Church at Clifton
, a 12½" x 19¼" oil on board by J.C. Miles (1837-1911),
was signed and dated 1887 and sold for $900.
These two swords sold to the New Brunswick Museum for $1950. The
one with a lion’s head handle is British, and the other is from France and
came from the Winslow house.
A signed Fred Ross (1927-2014) tempera on board,
The Card Game,
was dated 1974 and measured 36"
x 24". It sold for $4600.
In mahogany with pine as secondary wood, this 1820-
25 drop-leaf table from the Lester Hoar collection was
made by Thomas Nisbet. It had typical Nisbet turnings
with ebonizing at the top and bottom of the legs as well
as the quarter-round moldings on the drawer. It went
for $4600.
Deichmann pottery (from left): a decanter with stop-
per brought $250; two art pottery decorated tiles,
$170; a vase in turquoise with dark pink blush, $290;
and a head, signed “Erica” and dated 1937, $1100.
An outstanding oil on canvas still life with flowers, 31½" x
24", was signed by Jack Weldon Humphrey (1901-1967). It
got $5600.