16-A Maine Antique Digest, March 2015
Contact AndrewTruman or Julie Killam | Tel: (207) 453-7125 | Email:
atd@jamesdjulia.com| Website:
www.jamesdjulia.comConsultants : Jay Lowe, Rick Saxman, Dorothy McGonagle | Fairfield, ME | Woburn, MA | Lic#: ME: AR83 / MA: AU1406 / NH: 2511
Consignments Wanted
For Our Advertising,Toy &Doll Auction - Spring 2015
Touted as one of Julia’s finest fall toy, doll & advertising auctions in recent memory, the auction had all the makings for a blockbuster right from the start. Drawn fresh
from three major collections, combined with select pieces from individuals from all over the United States, it was a nonstop parade of quality, condition, rarity, and diversity.
With estimates that were realistic and conservative, bidders were treated to one spectacular piece after another. Combined with Julia’s expansive marketing program, their
reputation for honest and fair dealing, and some of the finest catalogs in the industry, the results were phenomenal, setting a few world auction records along the way. When
the final hammer fell, Julia’s tallied over $1.4 Million, nearly a half million dollars over the total presale estimate of approximately $935,000. We are now accepting quality
consignments for our spring 2015 toy, doll & advertising auction. Whether you have one item or an entire collection, please contact us for a free consultation.
Painted Ives Palace bank
(est. $4,500-6,500)
Sold for $18,367
Lehmann Walking on
with original box
(est. $5,500-7,500)
Sold for $22,515
K*R 107 “Karl” (est. $20-30,000)
Sold for $23,700
Salesman sample hay rake with
original box
(est. $2,500-3,500)
Sold for $20,145
Rare Goo Goo
gum vendor
(est. $15,000-20,000)
Sold for
figure (est.
Sold for
Ithaca Sign Works Ford sign
(est. $9,000-12,000)
Sold $16,590
Here are just a few of the items already consigned to our Spring sale:
Below are just a few of the successes we had for our consignors in the fall sale:
Diminutive Columbus
penny gum vendor
Tabletop 20-3/4" Reginaphone disc
player/phonograph with cupola top
Rare Wine Coca syrup
dispenser, precursor to
Fallows Fine Groceries wagon
Lovely 28" Steiner
lever-eye doll
Hull & Stafford windup
Francis, Field & Francis Philadelphia
Express wagon
Citroen tanker truck
Pratt & Letchworth landau
Scarce Ives cast iron scale
02-04-15madhalf.indd 1
2/3/15 1:35 PM
Rare and important pair of pipe-smoking spaniels, c. 1850, 9” tall, old
gold on bases and collars. Available with black, or reddish-brown spots.
Illustrated on the cover of
The Connoisseur’s Guide to Staffordshire
by G. S. Charles.
Inspiration from a portrait by Sir Edwin Landseer
A-Z of Staffordshire Dogs
, by C.M. Pope, pgs. 130-133.)
Please check out my new website
York, Pa
May 1-3
19th Century
Pearlware, Animals, and Victorian Celebrities
P.O. Box 324, Old Westbury, N.Y. 11568
(800) 294-0324
elpen@aol.comFind fresh antiques discoveries
in every issue.
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Go to MaineAntiqueDigest.comand click on Subscribe,
or call 1-800-752-8521.
Hours: 10-5 Mon.-Sat. • (319) 643-2065 • Louis Picek
• Website
msantiquesandart.com110 West Main, P.O. Box 340,
West Branch, Iowa 52358
On Interstate 80, Exit 254
A mid 19th c. Pennsylvania punched tin cottage cheese mold
with its original plunger top. It has 3 feet on the bottom.
Size 6” from top to bottom. Widest diameter 6”, 3 1/4” deep.
Doing the Fox Valley Show March 14 and 15 in St. Charles, IL
and the Midwest Antique and Art Show April 12 in Cedar Rapids, IA.