Maine Antique Digest, March 2015 13-A
From Out of the Woods
Antiques & Design Center
Effective: February 2015
New Center Hours
Mon 9-5 CLOSED Tue Wed
Thur 9-5 Fri 9-5 Sat 11-5 Sun 11-4
April: Thur 23rd, Fri 24th, Sat 25th,
New Event
Fresh Market Days: This is the first
of a few market day months to come.
Merchandise arriving that has not
been in the shop before. Displayed in
a designated area within the center,
just for the picking for you. We wel-
come other dealers in as well on a
consignment basis for these days. All
3 days filled with new merchandise.
Check it out!!!!!
465 Mast Road, Goffstown, NH • 603-624-8668
www.fromoutofthewoodsantiques.comHow to be
of the time.
Call or write for a copy of Team’s Tiffany Treasures.
P.O. Box 290
White Plains, NY 10605
(914) 686-8147
Consultations & Appraisals
50 Years of Experience
Visit our Web site:
www.teamantiques.com TiffanyLampExpert.comThe Gateway to Maine Antiques
746 US Route One
York, Maine 03909
www.yorkantiques.comOpen 7 days, 10-5
UP TO 50% OFF!
60 Quality
Antiques Dealers
26th Anniversary
Spring Sale
March 28th through April 4th
w w w . e r n e s t j o h n s o n a n t i q u e s . c o m
Showroom located at the Ottawa Antique Market1179-A Bank Street
Ottawa – Canada
t j
t i
e r n e s t j o h n s o n a n t i q e s . c o mOttawa – Canada