24-D Maine Antique Digest, March 2015
Georgian brass chandelier, English, 18th century, seamed
construction with six removable scrolled candle arms,
18" high x 28"diameter, drilled for electricity, $3840.
New Jersey album quilt, Elizabeth Town (now Union),
Essex (now Union) County, dated 1850, cotton dress
prints, completely done by hand, 69 blocks surround-
ing a larger center block, all with inked names, most
including a date and location, small areas of degradation
and scattered light discoloration, $3900. Some stitched
inscriptions acknowledged the recipient, Mary Higgins
(1811-1866), and wished her a happy new year. Inscribed
cities included New York, Brooklyn, Newark, and Eliza-
beth Town, and surnames included Higgins, Parkhurst,
Hopkins, Stiles, and Haviland. Two of the verses refer-
enced the deaths of Higgins’s parents. It seems that her
mother was working on a block when she died in 1849.
Paint-decorated pine settle bench with a lift lid, the front
designed to pull out into a hired-man’s bed, midwestern, 1820-
40, paint wear and age splits, $2250.
Paint-decorated stepback cupboard in
pine, Pennsylvania, early 19th century,
original red paint with black grain-
ing and yellow trim, 88" high, minor
imperfections, $11,400.
Elijah Pierce (1892-1984), carv-
ing of a mother rocking her baby,
relief-carved and painted wood
with glitter, signed “E.P.” and “E.
Pierce,” dated 1977, 6½" high,
$270, roughly a third of its low
estimate. The piece was purchased
directly from Pierce and remained
in the same private collection for
nearly 37 years.
Jacquard coverlet, with a border of heart-breasted
spread-wing eagles over buildings flanked by trees, mid-
19th century, wool and cotton, red, blue, and white, 76" x
86", $438.
The Kirtland Safety Society Bank
$3 note, Ohio, dated March 7,
1837, and signed by Joseph Smith
Jr. and Sidney Rigdon, even ton-
ing with some foxing, traces of
tape on the back corners, $2250.
Baroque kas in gumwood, Hudson River valley,
attributed to Albany, New York, 1710-30, three
pieces, diamond panels on the base, 81" high
x 81" wide, early finish, back feet replaced,
some molding missing, replaced brass, pieced
repairs, $4800.
Chippendale armchair in
mahogany, Philadelphia, circa
1770, “I BRIGHT” stamped
on a seat rail, shell-carved
crest and knees, 40" high,
old surface, pieced repair to a
front foot, $8400.
Planetary model/orrery,
Swedish, late 19th cen-
tury, the cast-iron base
marked “Svanström &
Rylander, Stockholm,”
the earth and moon
revolving on a geared
mechanism, the sun rep-
resented by an oil font
with chimney, 18" high
x 23" long, $2040.
Victorian wicker cutter sleigh, late 19th century, traces
of the original paint decoration, 83" long, minor damage
to the frame and wicker, $2040.
Chippendale bonnet-top chest-on-chest
in cherry, Boston, mid-18th century,
89" high, period brasses in second
holes, refinished, replaced finial, small
bit of putty repair on the tympanum,
feet probably original, $9600.
Portrait of “Rags,” a racing pigeon,
by Edward Henry Windred (English,
1875-1953), oil on canvas, signed, early
20th century, the bird’s accomplish-
ments noted below the image, 14"
x 18", plus period bird’s-eye maple
frame, cleaned, a few scratches, minor
loss, one corner bumped, $1920.