Maine Antique Digest, March 2015 11-D
- SHOW -
formerly Rebekah Russell, and Thomas Cordis (1771-1854). They were
painted around 1812. They descended in the sitters’ family and were
priced at $80,000. Vareika showed
The Four Seasons
from 1867 by
Alfred Thompson Bricher (1837-1908). The four oil on canvas scenes
each measured 16" x 12½" and included
Winter, Medford, Massachu-
Spring, Newport, Rhode Island
Summer, Milton, Massachusetts
Autumn, White Mountains, New Hampshire
. The group was priced
at $250,000.
For more information, see the Web site
(www.fineartboston.com) or
call (617) 363-0405.
Susanna J. Fichera Fine Art
featured the work of Gina Knee
(1898-1982), whose 1947
ern Sunday Afternoon
, a 14" x
30" oil on canvas, was reflective
of the many years the Ohio-
born artist spent in Savannah. It
attracted the attention of several
experts. It was priced at $16,000.
Early in the show Jeffrey Neumann’s
Sea Shell Motel
, a 24"
x 36" oil on canvas view of a Wildwood, New Jersey, motel,
tagged $9500, was sold by Lawrence Fine Art, East Hampton,
New York.
Susan Abbott’s 24" x 24" linen on panel
Coast Route
1, Evening
was priced at $3900 from McGowan Fine
Art, Concord, New Hampshire.
More than just a
pair of pretty faces,
show coproducers
Tony Fusco and Bob
Four are also art
dealers in Boston.
This is a view of part
of their booth.
Anne Carleton (1878-1968),
Turbot’s Creek, Ogunquit
, oil
on canvas, 27" x 36", tagged
$14,000. Gleason Fine Art,
Boothbay Harbor, Maine.
, an oil on canvas over
artist board, 30" x 25", by
Charles Webster Hawthorne
(1872-1930) was $65,000 from The
Gallery at Four India, Nantucket,
Marilee B. Meyer, consulting
curator, and Erica Hirshler,
Croll Senior Curator of Amer-
ican Paintings at the Museum
of Fine Arts, Boston.
Pilot # 5 off Boston
, a 12" x
18" oil on canvas by Donald
Demers (b. 1956) was tagged
$45,400 by Marine Arts Gal-
lery, Salem, Massachusetts.
Everett Shinn (1876-
1953) was represented
by the red chalk on
artist board
Group of
Women, Summer Lei-
, 64½" x 19½",
signed and dated 1913
and tagged $35,000 by
Fine Art.
Roux & Cyr International Fine Art Gallery,
Portland, Maine, showed three Venice scenes
in suffused light by British artist Jeffrey Court-
Doge’s Palace Pink Morn
(left), a 16" x 20"
acrylic view, was tagged $5000.
Doge’s Palace,
(right), a 15" x 20" acrylic, was also
$5000, and a 13" x 18" oil on canvas canal view,
Blue Morning
(center), was priced at $5700.
Rhinebeck, New York, dealer Albert Shahinian repre-
sents Hudson Valley artist Polly M. Law, whose series
“Esopus Mystics” incorporates bits of the natural land-
scape into her work. A 30" x 40" bricolage made with
Awakening the Trees
, was priced at $3600.
Jamie Wyeth’s 1987
Yolk in the
Wicker Chair
, a 28" x 22¼" mixed
media on paper, was tagged $325,000
by Adelson Galleries, Boston. A New
England dealer saw preshow adver-
tising that featured the picture and
called Adam Adelson to say he had
just acquired the bench that matches
the wicker in the picture. Adelson
purchased it and placed it beneath
the painting for the show. To the
right are
A Couple of Wicker Chairs
Sitting Around the Coast of Maine
a 1982 acrylic and watercolor, and
a 1970 watercolor
Summer House
(Zero’s House).
Barn on the St. George River
, a 24" x
40" acrylic on panel scene by Mas-
sachusetts artist Elizabeth W. Leary,
was tagged $17,500 from Chamber-
lain Fine Art, Barrington, Rhode
Show managers Bob Four and Tony
Fusco includedBIFAS SOLO, booth
space in which individual artists
displayed their art. One such artist
was Mona Mariana Ciciovan, born
in Romania, who lives and works
in Montreal. Her 122 cm x 122 cm
oil on panel
Peaceful Nation, 2013
was tagged $9800. It sold after the
show and was shipped to a buyer in
Belgium. Her 2012
Hitchcock Uni-
, a 91 cm x 91 cm oil on panel,
was priced at $4500. Ciciovan also
The Falls
(bottom right), a
2012 oil on panel (81 cm x 81 cm).
Show coproducer Tony Fusco is joined
by Mystic with park ranger Chief Gene
Survillo aboard and Winston with Sar-
gent Hodari Keels in welcoming guests
to the preview party of the 18th Boston
International Fine Art Show.
Spiraling Fish
, a 17½" x 8½" x 8¾" bronze by Elliott
Offner (1931-2010), signed and dated 1996, was tagged
$11,000 by Vose Galleries, Boston.
A fine summer sight was
Heading to the Point
, a
16" x 20" acrylic on panel by Forrest Rodts (b.
1960). It resonated with many Nantucket visitors.
It was priced at $17,500 by Quidley & Company,
Nantucket, Massachusetts.