Maine Antique Digest, March 2015 7-D
This unsigned 24½" x 35" oil on board depict-
ing an American Indian painting an animal
skin stretched on an easel of branches while a
youth looks on realized $1610. Direct Auction
Galleries, Chicago, Illinois, November 18, 2014.
This 20" x 39"
19th-century oil on
canvas by Fritz Fig
depicted a pastoral
scene with a group
of children flying
a kite. It brought
$1093. Direct Auc-
November 18, 2014.
This ornately
carved throne
chair with a
sold for $1265.
Direct Auction
Galleries, Chi-
cago, Illinois,
November 18,
This distinctive mesh
over satin dress from
Alexander McQueen’s
collection “The Hun-
ger” was made for a
show with a vampire
theme. A zippered mask
completely encapsulated
the head, most likely
to protect the wearer
from vampires. From
the collection of Miguel
Adrover, the dress real-
ized $22,800. Charles
A. Whitaker Auction
Company, New Hope,
Pennsylvania, October
31-November 1, 2014.
This circa 1889 Worth evening dress, worn by former first lady Har-
riet Lane at the Court of St. James’s, was exhibited at the Metropol-
itan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute
exhibit and gala ball,
1986-87. With provenance from the Harriet Lane Johnston family, it
brought $15,600. Charles A. Whitaker Auction Company, New Hope,
Pennsylvania, October 31-November 1, 2014.
This one-of-a-kind gold metallic leather
body art piece, made of a series of hon-
eycomb shapes suspended on gold-tone
chains, was exhibited at the Burning
Man festival. The unsigned piece real-
ized $1140. Charles A. Whitaker Auc-
tion Company, New Hope, Pennsylva-
nia, October 31-November 1, 2014.
This white leather Moschino
deadstock handbag in the shape
of an iron fetched $720. Charles
A. Whitaker Auction Company,
New Hope, Pennsylvania, October
31-November 1, 2014.
This set of four PK9-style
dining chairs, each measur-
ing 30" x 21½" x 18", was
attributed to Poul Kjaerholm
and sold for $7500. Kaminski
Auctions, Beverly, Massachu-
setts, January 4.
This Leon Bakst (1866-1924) signed watercolor and pastel on
paper, dated 1921, 10½" x 17½" (16½" x 23½" framed), realized
$10,000. Kaminski Auctions, Beverly, Massachusetts, January 4.
This 43½" tall Red Wing
60-gallon stoneware water
cooler, in very good to excel-
lent condition (with an old
hairline crack), sold for
Rich Penn Auctions,
Des Moines, Iowa, October
31-November 2, 2014.
A 15" tall Fowler’s
Cherry Smash soda
fountain syrup dis-
S m a s h
pump, in
sold for
$ 3 7 0 0 .
R i c h
Penn Auc-
tions, Des
M o i n e s ,
Iowa, October
2, 2014.
This 11" long ice cream scoop invented by John Manos had a
heart-shaped bowl made of nickel-plated brass and a wood han-
dle. It was stamped “Patented Nov. 1925” on the inside plate and
was in excellent working condition. It sold for $4000. Rich Penn
Auctions, Des Moines, Iowa, October 31-November 2, 2014.
This 1957 Chrys-
ler Saratoga two-door
hardtop with an all-original
body, in the “Forward Look”
design by Virgil Exner, had 285
horsepower with a 354 Spitfire V8
engine. With an older repaint in
maroon and white, it sold for $8000.
Rich Penn Auctions, Des Moines,
Iowa, October 31-November 2, 2014.
A Zhang Daqian (1899-
1983) hanging scroll,
, an unusual image
for Daqian, one of the
most celebrated Chinese
painters of the 20th cen-
tury, realized $236,000.
December 15, 2014.
This pair of 32" tall bronze urns with cherub and lion figures
realized $1265. Direct Auction Galleries, Chicago, Illinois,
November 18, 2014.
The Purple Heart awarded to Cpl. Joseph E. Oleskiewicz, a mem-
ber of the “Filthy 13” in World War II, brought $5100. The
were members of the demolition section of the
5 0 6 t h
Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Air-
b o r n e
Division, and were nicknamed the “Filthy
1 3 ”
because while training in England they
washed and shaved once a week and
never cleaned their uniforms.
Mohawk Arms, Bouckville,
York, December 6, 2014.