14-B Maine Antique Digest, December 2016
Charles Soule Jr. (1834-1897) worked throughout southern Ohio. This depiction of
a boy with a dog is one of his portraits.
African Americans are represented by a number of items in the
exhibit, including this portrait by Elizabeth Nourse (1859-1938).
Star Wars Millennium Falcon
and action figures, made by Kenner Products
circa 1978, became an instant success. George Lucas took the marketing of
to an unprecedented level, and an estimated $17 billion has been spent on
related merchandise since the first film premiered in 1977.
A rocket ship ride from Wyandot Lake Amusement Park anchors the center of one
gallery that, among other things, examines consumerism targeting children.
Any number of sleds could have been used in
An Ohio
, but the curators selected this paint-decorated
example. The tin jack-o-lantern was made by the Toledo
Metal Sign Company.
Furniture in the exhibit includes this highchair
made by Joseph Clark Linn (1790-1875) of
Zanesville, Ohio, for his grandchildren, who
were born between 1854 and 1863.
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