Maine Antique Digest, December 2016 33-D
Crazy quilt, $695, from Lana Smith Antiques, Louisville,
Baker and Co. Antiques, Delmar, New York, had a blue
tub with handles, $595; three checkerboards (from top),
$675, $475, and $975; and a cribbage board, $265.
Quaint Victorian mirror, $950; Bennington jug
with restored handle, “S.W. Clifford /... / Boston
/ 3,” $8900; pipe with Indian head, from Daniel
Olson of Newburgh, New York.
Dennis Raleigh of Wiscasset, Maine, has an eye for unusual smalls, such as the small
painted dome-top chest (left), $2500; the black horse head (on a stand), $1450; and
shorebirds, $1150 (left) and $3500.
Hudson River painting, Meriden Mountain, Connecticut, by Nelson Moore (1824-
1902), $7800 from Derik Pulito of Kensington, Connecticut.
Missouri Plain Folk, Sikeston, Missouri, had a “Rooms and Board” lighted sign, $150,
and a hooked rug with hearts, $1950.
Six-board blue blanket chest, circa 1800, 22" x 44" x 18", $1175, from Helen
Bryan of H & LAntiques, Princeton, New Jersey.
Ayscough Antiques,
Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania,
had a booth filled with
what country collectors want,
including an inn sign for $585.