36-D Maine Antique Digest, December 2016
This 1929 Gibson PT 6 banjo, with gold trim and
engraved metal, manufactured in Kalamazoo, Mich-
igan, and completely unaltered, sold for $18,975 to a
Boston buyer.
This Joan Miró (1893-1983) etching, 41" x 26¼", 1969,
signed, opened with a $10,500 bid from the Internet, and a
phone bidder battled up to $16,100 for it.
Paley plant
stand, 51"
high, forged
steel, opened at
$8500 and sold to
an Internet bidder
for $12,075.
This Sackets Harbor
powder horn, dated
May 29, 1813, original
patina, 13" long x 4½"
maximum diameter,
made $3335.
This Pennsylvania diminutive figured cherry chest-on-
chest, 5'10" high, sold for $2070.
This Rand McNally terrestrial globe, 31" high x 18"
diameter, with some toning and lifting to paper, sold
for $633.
This carved Black Forest bench, in old finish,
32" x 58" x 19", brought $633 (est. $500/800).
This Tiffany Studios leaded
glass Geranium lamp, signed
shade and base, 20" high,
sold for $52,325.