Maine Antique Digest, December 2016 27-D
The “town
crier” signage
for the show.
Dover House Antiques, Louisville, Kentucky, offered a pair of architectural
panels for $350 each; a refinished tiger maple chest, $1450; a cast-iron mortar
and pestle, $475; and a three-panel screen, one of Zuber’s American scenes,
circa 1850, $3950.
Bob Brandt, show cochairman, and Maureen, his wife,
a member of the show committee.
Ed Miller of Pioneer Folk Antiques,
Ellsworth, Maine, sold this very rare
baseball dartboard, $1850, shortly
after we took this picture.
Wilmont Schwind of Yarmouth, Maine, sat in his armchair before
the preview began. He reminisced about the 2011 flood that was right
outside the window and what a great job the locals did to clean up
the playhouse in time for the antiques show held four weeks later
that year. The English sideboard, 1790-1810, was $6800 and made
of mahogany satinwood; the New England portrait, 29" x 25", was
$2500; the Sheraton stand, $575; and a four-panel Japanese screen,
24" x 48", $2200.
It is uncommon to find in a booth a painting by the dealer’s dad! But
William Nickerson of Orleans, Massachusetts, showed this $2800
Schooner, the “Lottie K Friend”
by R.E. Nickerson (1915-1999), a listed
artist who did lots of ship paintings over a 25-year period.
James Gallagher of North Norwich, New York, without his lifetime
partner, Ruth Zager, who passed away recently, carried on with the usual
quality and tasteful display they are known for.
Ester Gilbert Antiques, Southampton, Massachusetts, is one
of the two longest-exhibiting dealers at Weston. This group of
brass band figures from the 1920s, $1250, sold at the preview’s
opening to a local resident who was part of a brass band.
Apothecary, $1650;
two-drawer stand,
$180; Hepplewhite
mahogany side chair,
Massachusetts, 1790,
$3900; and circa 1810
Hepplewhite server,
$7800, all from Stiles
House Antiques,
Woodbury, Connecticut.
Witt’s End Antiques,
Wallkill, New York,
showed more formal
furniture, including a
Rhode Island tall chest
for $4575 and a New
Hampshire Queen
Anne tiger maple
flat-top highboy, a
marriage, for $2800.