12-D Maine Antique Digest, December 2016
Antique 14k white gold diamond and pearl
heron pin, $1236. Direct Auction Galleries,
Chicago, Illinois, October 4.
Remington U.M.C. bullet board, 41½" x 54", in very good
original condition, $21,600. Showtime Auction Services,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 7-9.
Jackpot gambling
dice machine with key,
professionally restored and in fine
working condition, $10,200. Showtime Auction
Services, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 7-9.
Elberon parlor stove, made in the early
1880s by the Cleveland Co-operative
Stove Company, Cleveland, Ohio,
$11,400. Showtime Auction Services,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 7-9.
Ghirardelli Cocoa die-cut three-part tin sign,
with graphics by Beach, Coshocton, Ohio,
sold for $27,000. Showtime Auction Services,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 7-9.
Possibly the only one in existence, this 14" x 23" Ferris
Waists “Good Sense Corset” die-cut tin sign realized $17,550.
Showtime Auction Services, AnnArbor, Michigan, October 7-9.
“Buckeye Stages System”
deep-shelved porcelain
20" x 30" bus depot sign,
$52,200. Showtime Auction Services,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 7-9.
Harrington Mann (Scottish-American, 1864-1937),
Two Children
, oil on canvas, 1930, 50" x 40" (sight),
$7188. Litchfield County Auctions, Litchfield,
Connecticut, October 12 and 13.
Charles Warren Eaton (1857-1937),
Fall Sunset
, oil on canvas,
1887, 16½" x 22¼", $15,625. Litchfield County Auctions,
Litchfield, Connecticut, October 12 and 13.
Tiffany & Co. sterling flatware service for eight in the
St. James pattern (introduced in 1898), $7188. Litchfield
County Auctions, Litchfield, Connecticut, October 12
and 13.
George Dance (British, 1741-1825),
Portrait of J. M. W. Turner
, oval framed
watercolor, 1792, 8½" x 6½", $24,375.
Litchfield County Auctions, Litchfield,
Connecticut, October 12 and 13.
Regency mahogany and brass hunt table, 29½" high
x 94" long (open) x 63" wide, 19th century, $8438.
Litchfield County Auctions, Litchfield, Connecticut,
October 12 and 13.