Maine Antique Digest, May 2015 11-B
One-piece pine cupboard with old red paint,
American, early 19th century, $1560.
Pair of sewer tile planters in the form of tree trunks, probably Ohio, early
20th century, 25" high, some repairs, $990.
blanket chest of poplar
with original stylized
tulips and hearts on a
red ground, early 19th
century, 19" high x 41"
wide, lacking feet and
hinges, $3240. In May
2007 Garth’s sold it for
Alice Schille (1869-1955), watercolor on paper, signed, canal scene
with four boats docked near a row of buildings reflected in the water,
14" x 20½" plus mat and frame, $3900.
Polo Match
by Walter Krawiec (Polish/American, 1889-1982), oil on can-
vas, signed, 20" x 30" plus Newcomb-Macklin Company frame, $3000.
Walnut bucket bench scraped down to old green
paint, American, mid-19th century, 38" high x 37"
wide, age splits to the shelf, $960. In April 2014 Jef-
frey S. Evans & Associates sold it for $920.
Wisconsin “jail” cupboard of pine, mid-19th
century, one door, cleaned down to old red paint,
78½" high x 47" wide, $1200.
Folk art scarecrow
made from repur-
posed clothesline
poles, fence boards,
and furniture pulls,
iron features, Maine,
20th century, 70"
high, $840.
The catalog noted,
“According to tradi-
tion, this is one of six
of these scarecrows,
four of which went to
the artist’s children,
and two went to gal-
leries. This is one of
those two; the other
is illustrated in
York Times Home
Nineteenth-century burl bowl, found in Shelby
County, Ohio, 8" high, 21" x 25" at the top, age
split, $6900.
(Robert) Bruce Crane (1857-1937), oil on canvas, signed, a foggy rural
landscape with barren trees, 13½" x 19½" plus frame, faint paint crazing,
Late 19th-cen-
tury American
eagle in bronze,
34" high x 36"
w e a t h e r e d
patina, $1875.