Maine Antique Digest, May 2015 9-B
New England tall
clock, pine case with
original red and
black grain paint,
wooden movement,
original paint on
the dial including
a landscape, 83½"
high, small cutout
to the hood, with
weights and pendu-
lum, replaced feet,
$2520. In May 2007
Garth’s sold it for
Meissen figure of Mercury seated in a chariot pulled by ravens, German,
late 19th or early 20th century, after a model by Johann Kändler, two-part
mold, both halves marked, 12½" high x 17" long, restoration and some
damage, $5700.
American 18th-century Queen Anne one-drawer tea table of pine and poplar,
old black paint with red striping, turned legs on pad feet, 28" high, 27" x 23"
one-board top, feet with height loss, $2880.
Amazons on Meat Forage
by John William “Uncle Jack” Dey (1912-
1978), enamel paint on panel, signed, depicting six naked women
running with spears as they chase wildlife through a forest in winter,
22½" x 29½" plus frame, $1500.
Sandstone carving by Ernest “Popeye” Reed (1919-
1985), bust of a Native American chief in a head-
dress, unsigned, 10½" high, $480.
Paul Emile Pissarro
(French, 1884-1972),
oil on canvas, signed,
village scene with a
couple on a snowy
road, 38" x 48¼",
framed, $4000.
Ohio sewer tile pig bank, impressed “Jim” on both sides,
attributed to Summit County, early 20th century, 8" high,
Pictorial hooked rug, American, 1920-45, the border with expressive round
faces, the main images reminiscent of children’s book illustrations, 30" x
58", mounted on a stretcher, $1020.
Full-bodied copper running horse weathervane with a cast-iron head,
American, late 19th century, 21" high x 41" long, bullet holes and separated
seams, $2880.