Maine Antique Digest, December 2016 37-A
specializes in authentic restored American Lighting from the
19th and 20th Century. Our collection also includes high-quality decorative arts
including bronzes, stained glass, and architectural embellishments.
Shop us online at
www.renewgallery.comusing CODE: MAINEANTIQUE30 for 30% o our inventory.
O er expires January 31, 2017
Circa 1905 Victorian Gas Electric
Chandelier with Striped Opalescent
Art Glass Shades, 48” L x 24”Dia.
Circa 1910 Neoclassical Silver Plate Crystal Chandelier, 43.5” L x 26”Dia.
Circa 1905 Neoclassical Brass
Ring-Fixture with Notched Crystal,
54” L x 21”Dia.
Circa 1910 Classic Revival Lion Light
Fixture with Art Glass, 57” L x 22”Dia.
Circa 1915 Commercial Bronze Exterior
Sconces by Horn & Brannen,
38” H x 12”W x 14.5”Deep.
O ering Freshly Picked New England Antiques to the Southern Collector
“Captain” Roger Williams, Prop.
Located in Edenton, North Carolina, on the Inner Banks, just shy of the Virginia border
edentonantiquegallery.com~ 207-350-1068 ~
themaineboathouse@roadrunner.comStay at:
Athol Plantation
Cotton Gin Inn
Inner Banks Inn
Eat at:
309 Bistro
e Table
Come visit us for Edenton’s annual Candlelight Tour!
December 9th and 10th
Beaded Victorian “Fruit” Basket
Chinese export pigskin covered miniature box
(a small rare size)
“Borghese Gardens,” Mabel Woodward (1877–1945)
Oil on board 8"x10" (provenance Lepore Fine Arts)
maine-advt.indd 1
11/3/16 4:48 PM