26-A Maine Antique Digest, December 2016
Write now for our extensive December issue catalog ($2) to:
Teri Dziadul
6 So. George Washington Road, Enfield, CT 06082
Home: 860-749-6274 Cell: 860-462-7598
Specialists in Antiques for Country kitchen and hearth
Member: Early American Industries, Golden Glow of Christmas Past
A Holiday Sampler Catalog
for selected offerings of treenware, kitchenware,
hearth, and other specialty items, including Holiday.
Examples with heart motifs
Offering unusual examples of butter stamps:
Goat, dog, pheasant, PA tulip, cows, heart
House of the Ferret
Ferret...One who searches diligently and relentlessly.
To view this ad in color, please visit
www.houseoftheferret.com(413) 665-0038
ferret@crocker.com221 Greenfield Rd. (Routes 5 and 10)
South Deerfield, MA 01373
I-91 Exit 24
(then North 2 miles)
Antique Associates at
West Townsend, MA
Wells, ME
And of course,
at Our House!
Roger A. Perry
Rita A. King
By Chance
or Appointment
Jane Gardner’s Adam and Eve Sampler, Con-
e imposing Federal double-chimney
house immediately draws our attention, and as our
eye travels up we nd Adam and Eve standing on
the chimneys! In all of the Adam and Eve samplers
I’ve seen, I’ve never seen them depicted this way!
is charmingly naive presentation cannot help
but bring a smile to one’s face. e blue silk
accents in the latticed windows, door trim,
serpent, and the dove’s wings provide excellent
contrast in this exceptional needlework. e use
of the cross-stitch is very e ective in depicting the
brick fascia of the imposing house making this
all in all an excellent example of this genre and
a worthy addition to any serious collection. e
sampler is worked entirely in cross-stitch, the con-
dition is excellent and the color strong. It is con-
servation mounted on acid free board in a frame
with old bubbly glass. Sampler size is 17” x 18”.
Folk Art
Carving of
a Horse
Perhaps the
richest area
of American
folk sculp-
ture is that
of animal
gures. is
es virtually
every creature
of land, sea,
and air, and some imaginary ones as well. Representations
of eagles are the most common, followed by such domestic
animals as cats, dogs, and horses. Presented here, we have
a very ne and nely carved horse, probably a favorite of
the carver. is is wonderful Folk Art from someone who
understood the skeletal structure of the animal. Stand-
ing 12” high, the carving is in excellent condition with a
wonderful patina.
Extremely RARE Clambroth (Alabaster)
Candlestick, Sandwich Glass Company,
c. 1850.
Every element is original and perfect.
Pictured on p. 60, Volume 4 of the
Glass Indus-
try in Sandwich
by Barlow and Kaiser. 7½” tall
with a base diameter of 4½”.
matched pair of
early 18th-cen-
tury heavy
Dutch Brass
with domed
bases, mid-
drip pan and
candle sockets
with one small
round “prick-
et hole” for
extracting the candle stump. Four-piece construction,
secured by a long spigot which passes through the casting.
Note the prominent “Acorn Turnings” below the large drip
pan. Size is 8” tall, the condition is very ne, and they are
of a nice heavy weight.
Rare 19th-century barn lantern remaining in
splendid original apple-green paint.
e heavy wire
bail handle centers a domed sheet-iron shield above
the square top; ne joinery, the corner posts mortised
through molded top and bottom are secured by small
cut-nails. e door with molded edges hangs from
original pintle type hinges and is of pegged construc-
tion and retains its original thumb latch. Sheet iron
bottom liner with candle socket. (Height: 12½ inches;
width: 6 inches; depth: 6 inches.) Wear to top hinge;
retro-socket with all else ne. Circa 1800.
is Chalkware Dog, circa 1840
is of the
early slip-cast type with a scarcely encoun-
tered painted body. It is in generally excellent
original condition with only as expected small
losses to the paint and a tiny chip on base.
Height: 7½ inches; width: 6 inches; depth: 3¼