2-A Maine Antique Digest, December 2016
Frank & Barbara Pollack
American Antiques & Art
1214 Green Bay Road, Highland Park, Illinois 60035
Tel: 847.433.2213
Cell: 847.922.5141
barbarapollack@comcast.netAmerican Primitive Paintings, Furniture, Textiles, Folk Art,
and Related Accessories of the 18th, 19th, and 20th Centuries.
A Circular Shirred Rug With a Stylized Urn of Flowers
American, found in New England, circa 1840. Wool stitched on to linen.
A small urn filled with colorful flowers is used as a focal point of a vibrant aura of multi-colored concentric circles.
This rug represents a rare example of the shirring technique used within a circular format and is truly an
extraordinary example of rug-making and folk art. 43 1/2 in. x 41 in.
Illustrated: “American Hooked and Sewn Rugs: Folk Art Underfoot” by Joel & Kate Kopp. pg. 33, fig. 32.
“The Needle Arts” Time Life Books, A Social History of American Needlework, pg. 116.
See color photos on the Internet at
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