40-CS Maine Antique Digest, December 2016
Celebrating five decades at the pinnacle of iconic American craftsmanship
Detailed photos are available on the website
P.O. Box 222, Bailey Island, ME 04003 (207) 833-6973
(610) 659-6762 (cell)
www.glazerantiques.comPen Wipes
Gray Mouse on red and black felt,
Good condition. 3¼", American,
c. 1930-1940.
Figural Pen Wipe, Mouse with Long Tail, very good
condition. 3½" long, American, c. late 19th century.
American Indian with children in moccasin.
Excellent condition. 4" x 3", American, c. 1930-1940.
Peddler Woman with Basket. 3½",
American, c. 1930-1940.
Turtle. Excellent Condition. 6" long x 4" wide x 3½" high,
American, c. 1910-1920. Provenance: Edway Wise.
Tweed Mouse on red and black felt.
Good Condition. 3½", American,
c. 1930-1940.
Two Mice on green and blue felt.
Good condition. 3½", American, c. 1930-1940.