26-CS Maine Antique Digest, December 2016
434 S. Main St., Madison,Ga. 30650
WWW.MMCC-ARTS.ORG(706)342-4743 (877)233-0598
Preview Party & Early Buying
6-9 ursday, Feb. 23, 2017
includes repeat admission Friday &Saturday
Show & Sale
Friday & Saturday:
FEB. 24-25, 2017
10�� - 5��,
at the door
tickets are good for re-entry all weekend!
FREE Lectures
16th Annual
Showcasing American Antiques & Accessories
Rosie & Don Becker
B.HannahDanielAntiques,AL |Dennis&DadAntiques,NH |Rich'sAntiques,AL |SouthernDecorativeArts,SC
JerryA.McKinley,KY |Brill'sAntiques,VA |OldFriendAntiques,TN |MichaelHallAntiques&FineArt,TN
MontyYoungAntiques,TN |N.A.LeRoque,GA |PatriciaE.Biskey&RachelP.Weitnauer,GA
AthensClassicalAntiques,GA |Town&CountryVintageLinens&Textiles,GA |ScottW.FithianAntiques,GA
Claude&SharonBakerAntiques,FL |StephenR.LottAntiques&FolkArt,NC | ThePolishedAntique,SC
HeritageAntiqueMaps,GA |Woody&NancyStraubAntiques&FineArt, Inc,FL
JohnR.JoinerAntiques,GA |W.T.ThistlethwaiteAntiques,KY
Attention dealers and collectors
Estate collection of Americana
Over 500 pieces plus tables, chairs, beds, and other furniture.
For sale individually or entire collection
Private showings only. Albany, NY, area.
ads@maineantiquedigest.comAdditional photos can be viewed online at
MaineAntiqueDigest.comSearch for: Estate Collection of Americana.
Barbara Boardman Johnson
(602) 677-5686
Paint-decorated doll chair 19½” h. Child’s ladder-back armchair in original paint decoration 19” h. Graduated four-
drawer chest in original nutmeg-brown paint with cutout feet 16¾” h. Black wool pull toy horse on platform with milk
wagon in original paint, German.
Cave Creek, AZ, Shop
Open House
November 19th 10-4 p.m.
Enfield, NH shop closed until Spring.
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what it’s worth?
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database for thousands of
photos and prices of items
that have sold at auction.
Maybe it’s worth more
than you think.
MaineAntiqueDigest.com/ search-pricesEnjoy the
gifts of
the season.
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