22-CS Maine Antique Digest, December 2016
Visit our Website:
www.wsmithauction.comor email us at:
info@wsmithauction.comWilliam A. Smith, Inc.
Auctioneers & Appraisers
PO Box 49, Plainfield, NH 03781 603-675-2549
NH LICENSE #2825 - VT #57-702 – MA #525 – FL #AU-4814
Offices - Plainfield, NH - Greenwich, CT - Sarasota, FL - Phoenix, AZ
: Salem, MA maple 2-part high boy with a shell-carved
bottom drawer, old brass; PA curly maple 2-part highboy with
carved stocking feet; Q.A. walnut and maple two-part Boston area
highboy; two Chippendale maple slant-lid desks, shell- and fan-
carved interiors, choice examples; fine Chippendale oxbow ball-and-
claw foot slant-lid desk, with a fan-carved apron; 18th-c. shoe-foot
hutch table; Chippendale 2-part cherry corner cupboard with glass
door top; several quality Early American chests of 4, 5, and 6 drawers;
several early American tiger maple chests; VA cherry floor cupboard
with paneled doors, selection of other early floor cupboards some
in paint including small set-backs in red and green paint; pair of
Chippendale PA mahogany one-drawer gaming tables; Federal North
Shore or NH card tables with inlays; several good quality Windsor
armchairs; early oval-top New England tavern tables one in red paint;
early crescent-shaped settle bench; sets of 6 country dining chairs;
set of 4 Shaker tilter chairs; set of 12 Chippendale dining chairs, 6
period probably Southern; Southern yellow pine corner cupboard;
early ball-foot blanket chest; good pair of Q.A. Spanish foot chairs
in old paint with history; period tiger maple tables and stands; early
hanging wall and corner cabinets.
Federal Windsor VT grandfather clock dial signed Martin Cheney
cherry case; other tall-case clocks; pillar and scroll shelf clocks;
early bracket clock; elephant swing-arm clock; other shelf clocks;
several wall barometers.
Period French walnut commode; 17th-c. oak Jacobean court
cupboard; carved English oak paneled chest; English Regency
sideboard; period English Welsh dresser; early English gate legs;
various oak joint stools; marquetry inlaid bench; English Regency
4-door bookcase; English rosewood cabinet with faux book front;
English George III wine cooler; mid-19th-c. English whatnot stands;
English rosewood Canterbury; period piano stool; pair of Regency
pole screens; set of 8 period English ladder-back chairs; 4 English
Windsor chairs; CUSTOM- 2 clean leather sofas, pair of leather club
chairs and ottoman other modern.
Unusual glass door ship’s cupboard with similar table and
chairs; camphor wood trunk; antique large and small ships’ wheels;
early brass cased sextant Cardiff; Negretti and Zamba gimbal ships
barometer with case; polychrome delft tile work ship; sailor made
ivory swift; carved marble lighthouse lamp; ship’s compass; ships’
half hulls and cased diorama; cased transits; early spy glass; other
marine related.
Native American:
Interesting collection of Aleutian Island baskets
and ivories descending in the family of a Yupik gentleman; early
polychrome Northwest Coast hat; good beaded Indian moccasins;
beaded Indian child’s vest; 1920s Santa Clara pot, other early clay
pot; Navajo rugs; pair Arts and Crafts bookends signed Barry Seattle,
tusk; Inuit soapstone; early Inuit walrus tusk; carved and painted
Finback whale signed Henry Speck, other Native American.
: 2 good multi-drawer apothecaries or spice chests; antique
miniature mahogany dower chest; early sleds; New Orleans gambling
boat sign - dance hall; good selection of period brass andirons and
fenders; tiger maple slide box; early spoon rack; wood carved whale
Wendell Rogers; oil Louis Bernecker; painting girl with red hair
signed Chadon; still life oil lobster signed Vogel; 19th-c. primitive oil
of the Wayside Inn; fine pair of oils portraits of Henry Conrad Fritz
and his son, attrib. to Robt. Street; pair of portraits on wood boards,
Sheldon Peck; w/c winter landscape by Paul Sample; other fine art.
Fine Estate Jewelry:
Impressive platinum straight line necklace set
with over 20 ctw diamonds, a 10 ctw similar diamond tennis bracelet;
other good quality diamond bracelets; ruby and diamond bracelet;
French 18k gold earrings diamonds and pearls; 18k gray pearl
earrings, Gumps; approx. 2.5 ct. solitaire ring; other good solitaire
rings including an emerald cut; sapphire and diamond rings some in
platinum; several fine quality antique platinum and diamond rings;
pair of Victorian gold and turquoise earrings with matching pendant;
fine hardstone Victorian cameo pendant on chain; large aqua and
diamond ring; several strands of antique pearl necklaces; Tiffany and
Co. 18K gold necklace; large selection of 14 and 18k gold bracelets;
lady’s and gentleman’s wrist watches including Rolex; diamond
eternity band, several diamonds bands; many gold pins some with
stones; 18k gold babies rattle with coral; silver jewelry by Georg
Jensen and John Hardy; much more estate jewelry approx. 75 lots.
Steinway baby grand piano, model M serial # 261964, recently fully
restored with bench; good selection of Oriental rugs, many older
estate examples room-size and scatters; selection of antique quilts and
homespuns; great 19th-c. hooked rugs, lion and horse; etc.
Terms: Cash-Check-Major Credit Cards:
18% Buyer’s Premium Reduced to 15% with Cash or Check
No Sales Tax • Catered • Comfortable Seating
William G. Smith and Kenneth R. Labnon – Auctioneers
Gallery Manager: Leon Rogers
signed Voorhees; carved hardwood eagle; other folk carvings;
early doorstops; brass PA foot warmer; model of “Old Peppersass”
first steam engine to climb Mt. Washington; Dunhill humidor;
Portsmouth humidor; cast-iron hitching post, groomsman; 1823
family register Houghton of Windsor,VT, and the Brainerd of
Grafton, NH; fine American 1808 needlework and w/c on silk
memorial; Early watercolors profile portraits, The Mitchell family
East Bloomfield, by Justice Dalee 1844; Hudson river sandpaper;
early large-size calligraphy Lion; other folk art.
Chinese porcelains including 18th-, 19th-, and 20th-century
examples; early bronze Chinese censer; bronze Buddha; other Asian
metalworks; large carved and gilt wood Buddha; archaic-style
lamp; Chinese silver and enamel canister; Imari, Satsuma, and other
Japanese porcelains; Asian scepter; pair of early Chinese armchairs;
Chinese hall table; Chinese lacquered cabinet; Asian marble carving
of Guan Yin; many Chinese porcelain lamps including flambe;
Chinese scroll painting, other Asian art including woodblocks.
Collection of antique Christmas Santas; Bennington pottery including
deer and scroddled mugs; early PA redware; decorated stoneware;
canary Sandwich candlesticks; set of 12 Minton plates; pair of 18th-c.
Delft chargers; faience basket; cut overlay mantel lusters; Meissen
tea set, boxed; Sunderland luster pitcher; 2 early European enamel
on copper paintings of Ambroisius and Augustinus; and much more.
Large bronze figure of Mercury; silvered bronze dog and mouse,
other signed Masson and one signed J. Gelibert; nude bronze signed
S. Melani; bronze cowboy on horseback by Truman Bolinger; pair
of Italian carved and polychrome decorated flower baskets; pair of
large Italian carved and gilt candlesticks; pair of large 50” cast-iron
urns; cylinder music boxes; etc.
Fine oil autumn landscape 36” x 36” by Frederick Mulhaupt;
large oil “November” by Bruce Crane; oil “Winter Morning” by F.
M. Lamb; oil by Carl Lawless; oil by Carl Peters; oil, winter scene
by C. Adriani; oil winter scene signed Carl Von Hassler; oil “Echo
Lake” by B. Champney; oil on panel ships Egidius Linnig; large oil
on canvas La Savoie, French line, by Antonio Jacobson 1904; oil
landscape by Walter M. Oddie; 4 oils by George Russell, including
beach scene, with history; oil by Jean Pfister; w/c Mt. Ascutney by
Sheehan; still life painting by T. E. Park; local art - winter landscape
by Mary Church, oil by John Semple, Arthur Jones and Sabra Fields;
2 oil portraits of children, Buff Cobb and her brother Thomas at a
young age by Beard, from the family plus other works; gouache and
crayon still life by Margaret Patterson, approx. 10 colored woodcuts
by Margaret Patterson; pair of oils by G.L. Brown 1843; fine oil
on canvas the Christmas tree by Nikolai Baskakov; 2 oil MA by
You are cordially invited to attend an outstanding
auction event, over 400 quality estate items will be
offered at unreserved public auction. The property
up for bids is compiled from estates and collec-
tions located in NH and VT, along with items from
a Tucson, AZ collector.
For presale auction estimates or condition reports,
info@wsmithauction.comTo reserve seating for the sale or early preview,
Lori@wsmithauction.comSmith’s Annual Thanksgiving Holiday Auction
Smith’s Auction Gallery - 1064 RT 12-A, Plainfield, NH
Auction: Saturday, Nov. 26th 2016 at 10:00 am
Preview: Fri. Nov. 25th 2016 from 12-5pm and 8:30am morning of the sale.
Earlier previews by appointment
Antique citrine/pearl
Sapphire/diamond Ring
French Earrings
Approx. 24 ctw diamond.
2.2 ctw diamond Ring
Victorian/turquoise suite
Antonio Jacobsen oil 36” x 60”
NWC hat
Chinese antiquities
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