Maine Antique Digest, December 2016 39-E
Turn of the 19th-/20th-century rocking horse, all original, $1975 from Nutting
House Antiques, New Paltz, New York.
Parrot, $850,
from Candleglow
Promoter Greg Hamilton of Vergennes, Vermont, had a booth featuring a
red cupboard, rear, for $1450, and an oil painting by James Topping, priced
at $4750.
Antiques show promoter Frank Gaglio of Rhinebeck, New York, got
a call from Greg Hamilton saying that Stratton had a last-minute
cancellation and asking if he could he come. Gaglio organized some
things he had, got in his vehicle, and went to Vermont. His selection
was eclectic, and it included two Skookums—dressed figures of
Indians that were sold in trading posts to tourists; these were $2400
the pair. His penguin was $575 and sold. The two-sided sign was $525,
and a smoke-decorated chest (not shown) was $285.
Shooting gallery targets—the bears, $100 each, and the
birds, $50 each; above, topographical plaster artworks
from the 1960s, all colored, $250, offered by Seaver &
McLellan, Jaffrey, New Hampshire.
Choose your prize: on the wall a cheese ladder,
$78; a checkerboard or two, one priced at $495; or
a small multi-drawer chest (center), $795, all from
Tommy Thompson of Pembroke, New Hampshire.
Steve Cirillo of Castleton-
on-the-Hudson, New
York, had a great show,
selling three cupboards,
including this blue
hanging example.
painting of a
Belgian peasant
girl, $2400,
from Gronnings
This diorama of a Mexican Nativity
scene and village, signed by Domingo
Galwan, was found in California
and offered for $2300 by Brookside
Antiques, Bridport, Vermont.