Maine Antique Digest, December 2016 31-E
Jon Magoun Show
Growing at Indian
he “Magoun Bros. Road Show” at Indian
Lake, New York, is growing and is the envy of
Adirondack collectors. The ten dealers included
Robert Ross, Lewis Parker, Bob Starbard, Bob Hoffman,
Charles Kirshnerm, Dwight Saxton, Duane Bumps,
Buzzy Card, and Robert Markey. What a group! The
ten dealers offered 27 boats and sold five. They came
on Monday, September 12, and were still selling on
Saturday evening the 17th.
The 1910-20 Carleton Canoe Co. store sample “in “as found condition” was
$14,000 from Dwight Saxton of Snelinsgrove, Pennsylvania.
The trunk with a fish on the front and wonderful trim
was $950 from Jon Magoun of Magoun Bros., South
Paris, Maine.
The full-body black bear (above) was $1250, and the
standing white-tailed deer (below) was $1650. Both
were offered by Jon Magoun.
Jon Magoun
offered the
carousel horse
(left) at $175 and
priced the napkin
rings (right) at
$45 each.
Robert Ross of Ross Brothers,
Florence, Massachusetts, featured
this 1915 jib-mainsail canoe, priced
at $2500.
Robert Ross sold a moose head for
$2200 (not shown), and Jon Magoun
sold this larger moose head for $2400.
Robert Ross had a salesman’s sample of
a small canoe, which was used in a 1915
parade. Bought in Bangor, Maine, it was
priced at $18,000.
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