Maine Antique Digest, December 2016 33-C
Carved from a yellow pine log, this 7" x 32½" x 22" trencher
from the 19th century has beveled sides and overhanging grips
on each end. It sold for $180 (est. $200/300).
Carl Christian Brenner (1838-1888) was a German-born American artist who is mostly
associated with painting in Kentucky. This oil on canvas depicts a single female figure
walking away from the viewer along a dirt road and headed toward a body of water. The
22½" x 40" (sight size) painting is signed and dated 1881. It sold to a telephone bidder for
$10,800 (est. $2000/3000).
This three-panel series of Roy Lichtenstein lithographs, after his original 1964 triptych
As I Opened
, was printed by the StedelijkMuseum,Amsterdam, which owns the original paintings. Lichtenstein
(1923-1967) was one of the most influential members of the Pop Art community. Each of these panels
measures 25½" x 23¾". This group of lithographs sold for $600 (est. $800/1200).
This small (3½" x 4
") ship
portrait drew considerable
interest. The oil on board is not
signed, but scratched into the paint
along the bottom edge is “Ship
of Salem, Stephen Webb
master, 1783.” The painting is
housed within a decorative metal
surround within a wide and deep
wooden frame. The little painting
sold to an Internet buyer for
$531.25 (est. $100/150).
These Chinese oxblood bowls, Qing Dynasty, are each 1
" high x 7
diameter. Offered in their presentation box, they sold to an Internet
buyer for $1000 (est. $150/250).
This oil on board by Joseph Henry Boston (1860-1954) is
Promenading in a Park
and dates circa 1905. She’s young, dressed
in high style, and viewed in a wooded setting. The painting is
signed lower left and measures 15¾" x 12" (sight size). With
restoration, the painting sold for $1680 (est. $1000/2000).
This group of eight 19th-century sterling silver wine tasters is probably
French. Each taster is chased with a different decorative pattern. Five of the
tasters display an unidentifiable mark next to the ring handle. The group sold
for $510 (est. $100/150).
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