Maine Antique Digest, May 2015 21-C
Important Catalogued Auction
19th Century Glass and Lighting
Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 9:30 am
Featuring the collections of Dr. LarryMcCallister of Muncie, IN and James Federline of Butler, TN, the Lowell/Lomas collection fromBoston,
MA and Hopkinton, NH that was started in the 1930s, museum consignments, plus others. Featuring rare colored vases including six Sandwich
Tulip vases; colored candlesticks including ve NEGC Caryatids; many whale oil and uid lamps including rare colored examples; a large
collection of ne early kerosene lighting including outstanding cut overlays, triple-dolphin bases, ne Onion lamps, marriage lamps, etc.; rare
Pittsburgh and other cut and engraved wares; free-blown, pattern- and pillar-molded wares; rare pressed lacy including salts; collection of cup
plates; children’s toys; many colored decanters; cologne bottles, commercial bottles and asks; a ne collection of witch balls; whimsies; int
EAPG; plus more. is will be one of the nest selections of early glass to come to the market inmany years. Se
e je reysevans.comfor additional
preview photos and information. e complete catalogue will be posted aroundMay 10.
Specialists in 18th to 20th c. glass and ceramics, Southern decorative
arts, Americana, and ne antiques of all types. Conducting monthly
catalogued auctions as well as providing appraisal services.
2177 Green Valley Lane | Mt. Crawford, VA 22841
540.434.3939 |
je reysevans.comImportant Pittsburgh
engraved Greyhound
celery glass, circa 1830.
e largest and one
of the nest examples
of a small number of
table articles featuring
highly developed engraved
decorations depicting
seated greyhounds.
e decoration is
closely associated with
the Bakewell family.
Exhibited: e Frick Art
and Historical Center,
Pittsburgh, 2005, item 32.
Published: Arlene Palmer,
Artistry and Innovation
in Pittsburgh Glass, 1808-
pp. 132, 133.
Rare Americo-Bohemian
tankard engraved with an
east view of the “Capitol
Washington”, circa 1860.
Small sample of a large collection of early kerosene
lighting including many ne cut overlays, several triple-
dolphin bases and Onion lamps, &c.
Frommore than 30 colored vases.
Sample of a large selection of colored
uid lamps.
Many rare candlesticks, the pair of Caryatid ex-Elsholz
and Levine collections.
Collections of whale oil lamps and rare
pressed lacy.
From a collection of free-blown pans, asks, and inks.
Important free-blown swan gural
salt, probably South Jersey. An
outstanding example of glass folk art.