Maine Antique Digest, March 2015 25-B
- SHOW -
J. Gallagher of Antique Andirons,
North Norwich, New York, offered
these jamb hooks for fireplace
tools, 1800-30, with prices ranging
from $600 to $1200.
These “sister” purses, circa 1900, were displayed at Nula Than-
hauser’s booth. The East Hampton, New York, dealer has “find-
ers” who scope out merchandise for her at shows, she said. On
the left is a magenta velvet purse with gold beads in a leaf and
vine motif with its original frame, priced at $4400. On the right
is a green velvet one with gold bead vines and red flowers on a
removable frame, priced at $4800.
This cast-iron magician mechanical
bank, made in the early 1900s by the
J & E Stevens Co. of Cromwell, Con-
necticut, was $12,000 from Robert
Lloyd Inc., New York City.
Laura Fisher of Fisher Heritage, NewYork City, who deals in antique
quilts, hooked rugs, coverlets, and folk art, shared a booth with Mar-
ion Harris. The hooked rugs at the top and at center left were tagged
$6500 and $5800; the Dutch mirror was $975; the Victorian needle-
work of Noah’s ark, 1880-90, was $975; and folded on the bottom
were a variety of quilts and coverlets ranging from $250 to $6000.
Neverbird Antiques, Surry, Virginia, displayed this rare Hawaiian
sampler from 1841 and asked $60,000 for it.
Cooley Gallery, Old Lyme, Connecticut, offered this oil on canvas by
Walter Launt Palmer (1854-1932).
Sundown, Walpole, New Hamp-
, 17" x 26", circa 1890, signed lower left, was $85,000.
A pair of signed Cartier
18k gold and diamond
“Sputnik” earrings, from
the late 1950s-early 1960s,
was available from DK
Farnum for $12,000. Dana
Kraus, owner of the Lake-
ville, Connecticut, com-
pany, explained that Cart-
ier made other “Sputnik”
earrings in 14k gold.
Showgoers looking at the art in Jeff Cooley’s booth.
Greater York
When: MAY 2015 issue
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Deadline: March 25
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