Maine Antique Digest, March 2015 15-B
A vegetable-dyed and painted
rectangular woven splint bas-
ket, late 19th century, an Indian
potato-stamped basket, painted
in lime green and pink, sold for
a high retail price of $5313 (est.
$400/600).Agroup of five woven
splint baskets (not shown), one
branded “E.A. Leland,” sold
for $4063 (est. $200/300).
measure, dated 1824, that sold for
$31,250 (est. $2000/3000). The
same price was paid for a 7' long
white-painted lattice wood pot-
ting shed with a peaked roof (est.
The Bunny Mellon sale was
memorable. Of the 1551 lots, 98%
sold, and 85% sold over conserva-
tive high estimates. The salesroom
was crowded for every session.
There were phone bids and absen-
tee bids, and 23% of the overall
sale was purchased on line. The
pace was slow, with the auction-
eers hammering down about 40
lots an hour. What was important
was that a house sale brought life
into the marketplace at all levels,
from Rothkos to linens. There were
some crazy prices, and some lots
brought what they would bring at
any well-advertised various-owners
sale, and, as at any auction, there
were surely some bargains.
For more information, see (www. sothebys.com).Rare blue-painted apothecary stepback cup-
board, New England, 19th century, several
drawers replaced, 7'5" tall x 4'7¾" wide x 16"
deep, sold for $15,000 (est. $1000/2000) .
Sheet-iron horse weathervane, 19th century,
38½" high x 41½" wide, sold for $22,500 (est.
Blue-painted pine cup-
board, New York state,
repainted, 75" x 38" x
14½", sold for $13,750 (est.
A large white-painted
potting shed with a
peaked roof on block
legs, 6'1" tall x 7' wide,
sold for $31,250 (est.
Contact Mike Fredericks or Julie Killam Email:
lg@jamesdjulia.com| Tel: + 1 207 453 7125 | Fax: +1 207 453 2502 | Web:
www.jamesdjulia.comFairfield, ME | Woburn, MA | Lic#: ME: AR83 | MA: AU1406 | NH: 2511
Consignments Wanted
For our Spring 2015 Rare Glass and Lamp Auction
Our recent auction surpassed
$1.7 Million
with strong participation in many categories. We are now accepting quality consignments for our June
2015 Lamp and Glass auction. For your single high-quality item or an entire collection, contact us today to be included in our next successful sale!
Tiffany Studios Dragonfly
(est. $120,000-140,000)
Sold for $142,200
Galle Mold Blown
(est. $6,000-8,000)
Sold for $10,665
Tiffany Studios 10 Light Lily
(est. $17,500-27,500)
Sold for $26,070
Daum Rain Scene
(est. $20-30,000)
Sold $36,735
R. Lalique Sirenes
(est. $10,000-15,000)
Sold for $17,775
Handel Exotic Bird
(est. $8,000-10,000)
Sold for $9,480
Suess Poppy
(est. $6,000-8,000)
Sold for $7,110
Pairpoint Puffy
(est. $6,000-9,000)
Sold for $9,480
Quezal Decorated Shade
(est. $600-900)
Sold for $5,628
Mt. Washington Pink Toothpick
(est. $4,000-6,000)
Sold for $11,850
Daum Wheelcarved
(est. $4,000-6,000)
Sold for $8,295
Wedgwood Fairyland
(est. $4,000-5,000)
Sold for $6,517
Lalique Courges Vase
(est. $8,000-12,000)
Sold for $15,405
Antique Clichy Paperweight
(est. $1,500-2,000)
Sold for $2,251
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