2-A Maine Antique Digest, March 2015
See color photos on the Internet at
www.maineantiquedigest.comand at
www.antiquesandfineart.com/bpollackAmerican Antiques & Art
American Primitive Paintings, Furniture, Textiles, Folk Art,
and Related Accessories of the 18th, 19th, and 20th Centuries.
1214 Green Bay Road, Highland Park, Illinois 60035
Tel: 847.433.2213 Cell: 847.922.5141
barbarapollack@comcast.netAn Exceptional Paint Decorated
Tilt-Top Candlestand
Pennsylvania; pine, circa 1840-50.
Wonderfully shaped top decorated with an
elaborate feather and circle design which tilts above a
ring-turned shaft ending in scrolled legs and all in
reds, greens, and black on mustard yellow.
Inscribed “Leonard M. Bennetch 1907. Penja Dutch
Tilt-top candle stand Old Bennetch Family Heirloom
inherited by Emma Mary Bennetch b 1871 d 1968
from her ancestors.”
Height 41 5/8”, top 18¾” square.