Maine Antique Digest, March 2015 33-E
English, Continental and American
Paintings, Furniture, Porcelain, Silver, Glass and Carpets
March 14 and 15, 2015 at 11am
549 Warren Street, Hudson, NY 12534 T. 518-751-1000 F. 518-751-1010
WWW.STAIRGALLERIES.COMOur March 14th and 15th Fine Auction will be comprised of English, Continental and American Paintings, Furniture, Porcelain,
Silver, Glass and Carpets. The sale will include a large collection of English & Continental porcelain and pottery: Mochaware
bowls and table articles; Wedgwood creamware dinner service, Faience melons, Dodie Thayer cabbages, and Chinese Export
porcelain table articles. There is also a large collection of English and French toleware, including lamps, trays, lanterns, canisters
and boxes, as well as English and American silver hollowware, flatware and serving pieces. Also on offer are French, Italian and
English painted furniture, as well as a Victorian inlaid mahogany pigeon coup, directoire burl walnut dining table, federal cherry
chest on chest, George III mahogany serpentine-fronted chest of drawers and a George III mahogany pedestal desk.