Maine Antique Digest, December 2016 15-E
This most unusual box, grain painted to
resemble a leather-bound book, perhaps the
family Bible, opened to reveal a cinnamon-
colored interior with three compartments
with concave wooden lids and knobs ($330).
Thoroughly decorated with black stencils on a near-white background, the
feet and top surfaces painted black, this overhung Empire chest brought
This naïve portrait of a young
girl in a shimmery white dress
and holding a basket of roses
in her left hand has no artist
attribution, but clearly it was
of the Prior-Hamblen school.
The 31¼" x 23
" oil on
canvas laid down on a board
panel finished up at $3135.
The unattributed 24¼"
x 19½" oil on canvas
portrait of an unidentified
ship captain, possibly from
York, Maine, according
to Gurley family memory,
sold for $660.
It seems as if this
enormous painted
cupboard has
enough drawers
to hold every spice
and medicine in
a pharmacist’s
encyclopedia, and
the slanting center
section holds
four glass-
door bins.
It closed at
The two-drawer lift-top blanket chest in green paint over the
original red has a cutout bracket base and the original butt
hinges; $1540 took it.
As a bidder readily opened the bidding on this red-
painted miniature two-drawer slant-front desk at $1000,
Josh Gurley cracked, “Somebody’s not messin’ around!
That’s called power bidding.” No matter, the winner still
had to chase it to $1705.