Maine Antique Digest, April 2015 27-B
A Northwest Coast copper, painted as a
totemic bear, 27" long x 21½" wide, sold
for $10,000 (est. $2000/4000) to a collec-
tor from the Midwest.
A 13¾" high stone carving of a bear, a
signature piece for Kinngait/Cape Dor-
set sculptor Pauta Saila (1916/17-2009),
sold for $18,750 (est. $10,000/15,000) to
a collector from London.
A “monumental” Apache olla, 33½"
high x 26½" diameter, sold for a
monumental price, $40,000 (est.
$30,000/50,000), to a collector from
New Mexico.
A tufa-cast silver 2¼" wide cuff
bracelet by Charles Loloma
(1921-1991) sold for $16,250
$8000/12,000), to a collector who
splits her time between the Bay
Area and Hawaii. Haas said she
bought other Loloma pieces in the
auction as well.
This Tony Da polychrome turtle (6"
high x 9¼" long) sold for $27,500 (est.
$20,000/30,000) to a Southwest dealer
in the room.
What the catalog called an “exceptional” Sioux
beaded pictorial hide, 46" x 46" without fringe, sold
for $17,500 (est. $10,000/15,000) to a Connecticut col-
lector, a buyer new to Haas who “just discovered us.”
A 6" high x 25½"
diameter Apache tray
sold for $15,000 (est.
$7000/10,000) to the
same New Mexico collec-
tor who bought the mon-
umental olla.
A Navajo sandpainting weaving depicting a
variation on the Waterway chant, measuring
8' x 6'9", sold for $25,000 (est. $20,000/30,000)
to a private collector from New Mexico.
Gerhardt Tribal Art
33 N. Broadway, Lebanon, Ohio 45036
Hill1851@gmail.comGroup of three small ancient Chinese jades
from a prominent New England collection.
Exhibiting at the Heartland East Show
Howard County Fairgrounds
March 28th, 2015
A Navajo Late Classic/Early Tran-
sitional child’s blanket, 4'7" x 2'9",
sold to a Bay Area collector for
$13,750 (est. $6000/9000).
A classic Saltillo poncho measur-
ing 8'3" x 4'6" sold to a dealer
from New Mexico for $22,500
(est. $20,000/30,000). “A gor-
geous thing,” Haas said.
A Navajo Two
Grey Hills tapes-
try woven by Julia
2007), 4'8" x 2'11",
sold for $10,000
(est. $5000/8000)
to a New Mexico
dealer in the room.