Maine Antique Digest, April 2015 39-E
This “W.J. Peebles D.D.S.
Odontunder Dental Parlors”
sign, with gold-painted carved
wood lettering on a green and
black field, is 11' long. Odon-
tunder was a patent formula-
tion of cocaine hydrochlorate,
the magic behind painless
dentistry in the late 19th/early
20th century. It sold for $2057
(est. $2500/3500) to a museum
of dental equipment.
This large hotel guest lobby sign, late 19th century, from a hotel in Lock Haven,
Pennsylvania, is a rare survivor. The hand-lettered sign on poster board deco-
rated with applied images and sparkles, 30" x 66", sold on line for $9680 (est.
The 19th-century fire pumper model, 18"
long, highly detailed, is of painted wood, nick-
el-plated brass, leather, and hoses with brass
couplings and is in brilliant condition. Deco-
rated with Victorian paper scraps of a lady and
George Washington, it was consigned by the
family of Edgar Lasak, who may have made
it. It is accompanied by fire company mem-
bership certificates issued to Lasak. The cer-
tificate dated 1847 depicts a pumper identical
to this model. It is displayed in a period glass
display case and sold on line for $21,780 (est.
“Expert Tattooing,” paper mounted on
board in a painted period frame, in fair
condition, sold on line for $4840 (est.
$150/250). Tattoo posters are rare. A
group of four double-sided flashcards
of samples of a tattooist’s work (not
shown), all in double-glazed frames,
sold on the phone for $5747.50 (est.
From Out of the Woods
Antiques & Design Center
Effective: February 2015
New Center Hours
Mon 9-5 CLOSED Tue Wed
Thur 9-5 Fri 9-5 Sat 11-5 Sun 11-4
April: Thur 23rd, Fri 24th, Sat 25th,
New Event
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of a few market day months to come.
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Sunday, May 3, 2015
10 am
99 High St. rear, Boston, MA 617-451-7447
MA Lic. 2428