22-C Maine Antique Digest, March 2015
Produced by Chicago Suburban Antiques Dealers Association
55 dealers from 14 states featuring 18th, 19th, and early 20th century antiques
March 14 & 15, 2015
Sat. 10-5 Sun. 10-4
Admission $8
Kane Co. Fairgrounds
525 So. Randall Rd.
St. Charles, IL 60174
2015 Spring Fox Valley Dealer List
Bob Jessen-Jim Hohnwald, Fitzwilliam, NH
Chelsea Galleries, Mount Prospect, IL
Colleen Frese, Cedar Rapids, IA
Cothren House Antiques, Lena, IL
Country Cupboard, Appleton, WI
Craig Illa, Palmyra, MO
David Thompson Antiques and Art, South Dennis, MA
Denise Scott Antiques, East Greenwich, RI
Denny L. Tracey Antiques, Ann Arbor, MI
Doig’s Antiques, LaGrange, IL
Donna Finegan Antiques, Palatine, IL
Edna Hoffman, Memphis, TN
Erenberger Antiques, Amana, IA
Gary Promey Antiques & Folk Art, Atwater, OH
Harvey Art and Antiques, Evanston, IL
Heather Higgins, Winnetka, IL
Iron Horse Antiques, Crystal Lake, IL
J & R Ferris Antiques, LLC, Boonville, NY
James Wm. Lowery Fine Antiques, Baldwinsville, NY
Jason E. Sword Antiques, Forreston, IL
Kracker Barrel Antiques, St. James, MO
Lamplight and Old Glass, Ltd., Grand Rapids, MI
Lana Smith, Louisville, KY
La Mere House Antiques, Jackson Port, WI
Liberty Tree, Glen Ellyn, IL
Main Street Antiques and Art, West Branch, IA
Marc Witus, Gladstone, NJ
Marion Atten, DeWitt, IL
Mario Pollo, Holliston, MA
Mary de Buhr, Downers Grove, IL
Missouri Plain Folk, Sikeston, MO
Nancy and Craig Cheney, Newark, OH
Neil Zuehlke, Hartland, WI
P&R Garthoeffner Antiques and Art, Lititz, PA
Paradox Antiques, Lombard, IL
Pipsqueak & Me, Janesville, WI
Raven Nest, Cleveland, WI
Redcoat Antiques, Sleepy Hollow, IL
Ron Christman Art and Antiques, Wales, WI
Schoolhouse Antiques, Kirkwood, MO
Sebasky and Hildreth Antiques, Staples, MN
Spring Hill Farm Antiques, Brodhead, WI
Stephen/Douglas, Rockingham, VT
Stephen Reid Antiques, DeKalb, IL
Susan Heider Antiques, Bloomfield, CT
Suzanne Baker Antiques, Westville, IN
The Federalist Antiques Inc., Kenilworth, IL
The Needle’s Work Antiques, Morton, IL
The Rock Step Antiques, Spring Green, WI
The Swan House, Genoa, IL
Thomas Queen, Columbus, OH
Thomas M. Rawson, Cedar Rapids, IA
Tom Armitage, Cedar Rapids, IA
Tom & Marcia Brown Antiques, Osceola, IN
Verdigris Antiques, Evanston, IL
Virginia Larsen, Glen Ellyn, IL
Z & K Antiques, Urbana, IL