Maine Antique Digest Antiques Trade Directory 2022

Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory 1 Listings are arranged alphabetically by state. A resource guide for antiquers, with listings for dealers, shops, trade and professional organizations, auctioneers, show promoters, and publications. A Supplement to Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory

2 Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory #1 Trusted Vintage & Antiques Marketplace Over 2 Million Monthly Visits Award-winning Customer Service

Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory 3 463 East LancastEr avEnuE, Downingtown, Pa 19335 P: (610) 269-4040 | F: (610) 269-9274 | onLinE biDDing: Pook & Pook, Inc. provides expert appraisal services for estates, individual and corporate collections, and museums. At auction, we sell a variety of period furniture, fine art, folk art, militaria, ethnographic material, toys, coins, fine jewelry, textiles, pottery, porcelain, decorative accessories, automobiles, and real estate. Chinese export famille rose porcelain vase, made for the European market, 19th c., with applied Dutch figures, 16 1/4” h. Realized Price: $329,400

4 Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory Maine Antique Digest’s annual Antiques Trade Directory is a great way to get to know who is active in the antiques world today. This helpful guide, arranged by state, is a valuable resource whether you’re buying, selling, or collecting. It gives you information on antiques-related businesses in your own neighborhood and across the country and beyond. Whether you’re an antiques dealer, a show promoter, an auctioneer, or some other antiques-related business, M.A.D. can help you get your name in front of over 20,000 people all year long. Advertising in the annual Antiques Trade Directory is easy. To be a part of the 2023 edition, please call us at 1-877-237-6623 to request information. All the listings in this guide are also posted on M.A.D.’s website, where you can search by name, state, or specialty. This directory is a special supplement to Maine Antique Digest, the country’s best monthly publication covering the latest news on the arts and antiques marketplace. M.A.D. offers a monthly subscription for just $43 in the U.S. and a digital-only option for $30. Please call our subscription department at 1-800-752-8521 or visit our website for more information.* * You haven’t seen Maine Antique Digest? Call us today and we will send you a free sample copy, or you can request one online. Maine Antique Digest Antiques Trade Directory is a supplement to Maine Antique Digest. Copyright 2021. All rights reserved. Maine Antique Digest, 911 Main Street, PO Box 1429, Waldoboro, ME 04572 (207) 832-4888 • Toll-free 1-877-237-6623 Email: Web: Advertising: Maine Antique Digest Antiques Trade Directory Index of All Listings................................. 47 Index of Appraisers.................................. 50 Index of Auctioneers................................ 51 Index of Display Advertisers.................... 52 Index of Publications & Publishers......... 52 Index of Shows & Show Promoters.......... 51

Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory 5 America’s Favorite Open Daily 9:30am - 6:00pm | 4785 E. National Rd., Springfield, OH 45505 | (937) 324-2188 Antiquing Destination

6 Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory Listings are arranged alphabetically by state. Arizona Brian Lebel’s Old West Events 1041 Westend Dr., Suite 107, Greensboro, GA 30642 480-779-9378 Brian Lebel’s Old West Events hosts the Old West Shows and Auctions, held annually in January (Arizona) and June (Santa Fe, New Mexico), featuring the best authentic cowboy, Indian, and western art, antiques, and artifacts available for public sale. Pewter & Wood/Barbara Boardman Johnson (see New Hampshire listing) California Dolphin Promotions (see Illinois listing) Eton Studio, Fine American Country Antiques SHOWS ONLY Mary Millman, El Cerrito, CA 94530 510-701-1768 Circa 1825-1910: period furniture, textiles and primitives in original paint or original undisturbed surface; American folk art; EAPG, especially water goblets. Frank’s Fisherman 366 Jefferson Street, San Francisco, CA 94133 415-775-1165 Nautical and scientific antiques bought and sold. Specializing in ship models, scrimshaw, diving helmets, sailor arts, marine paintings, half models and early telescopes. Visit our website Gainsborough Products, LLC Oil Painting Restoration Supplies 6680 Alhambra Avenue #249, Martinez, CA 94553 800-227-2186 Supplier of oil painting restoration supplies since 1974. Go to our website to watch our oil painting cleaning & varnish removal videos, and see our products, articles and photos. Our manual guides you through various restoration processes. See our color ad on p. 53. Howard Products, Inc. 560 Linne Road, Paso Robles, CA 93446 800-266-9545 Howard Restor-A-Finish restores wood finishes on antiques, helping to preserve their authenticity and value. With a wipe-on, wipe-off process, most surfaces that seem to need a refinishing job can be restored in minutes. “Restore It—Don’t Strip It!” See our color ad on p. 41. Nancy Johnson Events Management LLC (see Colorado listing) Andrew Jones Auctions 2221 S. Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90007 213-748-8008 A Wealth of Knowledge Built on a World of Experience. Antiquities to Contemporary Art & everything in between. Sustainability matters. Buy & sell at auction. Specializing in Design, Art, Fine Jewelry, Silver & Antiques. Something for everyone. Just Folk 132 South Anita Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-435-3639 Just Folk is a unique online gallery featuring iconic American folk and Outsider art. Kaminski Auctions (see Massachusetts listing) Mission Gallery Antiques 320 West Washington St., San Diego, CA 92103 619-692-3566 Mission Gallery Antiques offers exceptional paintings & sculpture, early silver & jewelry, important clocks & watches, fine porcelains & ceramics, Native American, old weaponry, and rare collectibles. By appointment only. Past Tyme Pleasures 1145 2nd Street, Suite A, PMB #303, Brentwood, CA 94513 925-484-6442 Specializing in Antique Advertising with two Online Auctions yearly. MAY & NOVEMBER. Includes Signs, Trays, Calendars, Posters, Tins, Ephemera, relating to Breweriana, Hunting & Fishing, Tobacco, Soda, Gas & Oil, General Store, & Saloon Americana. Arizona California

Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory 7 Listings are arranged alphabetically by state. �������� ������������� ���������� ���� � ����� ����� ����� �������� ������ �������� ��� ����� ��� ���� �� �� ��� �������� ������ �������� ��������� �� .HQR $XFWLRQV LV UHQRZQHG IRU LWV H[SHUWLVH LQ ILQH DQG GHFRUDWLYH DUWV :LWK PRUH WKDQ \HDUV H[SHULHQFH IRXQGHU /HLJK .HQR KDV HDUQHG D VWHUOLQJ UHSXWDWLRQ IRU NQRZOHGJH KRQHVW\ DQG LQWHJULW\ 2XU DXFWLRQV DWWUDFW D EURDG EDVH RI EX\HUV DQG FRQVLJQRUV IURP DURXQG WKH JOREH 2XU JRDO LV WR DFKLHYH WKH KLJKHVW SRVVLEOH SULFHV DW DXFWLRQ RU SULYDWH VDOH IRU RXU FOLHQWV 127 E 69 Street, New York, NY 10021 ȋ͚͙͚Ȍ ͛͟͜ Ǧ ͚͙͛͠ ȁ ‡‘ —…–‹‘•Ǥ…‘ ‹ˆ‘̻‡‘ƒ—…–‹‘•Ǥ…‘ ȁ ‡‹‰Š̻‡‘ƒ—…–‹‘•Ǥ…‘ Ž‹‡ „‹††‹‰ǣ ˜ƒŽ—ƒ„Ž‡ǡ ‹˜‡ƒ—…–‹‘‡‡”• Ƭ ‹†•“—ƒ”‡

8 Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory Listings are arranged alphabetically by state. PBA Galleries 605 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94710 415-989-2665 PBA Galleries continues its over 60-year tradition of proud service to collectors of rare and fine books as well as manuscripts, maps, photographs, ephemera, and other printed material by holding auctions every other Thursday. Ruby Lane 381 Bush Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA 94104 415-362-7611 Ruby Lane is one of the largest online curated marketplaces for antiques, vintage, art, home decor, jewelry, fashion accessories, and dolls. Our business was built in support of independent sellers, savvy collectors, and loyal buyers, from the start. See our color ad on p. 2. Mary Suding Antique Home & Garden 2240 Lillie Avenue, PO Box 1182, Summerland, CA 93067 805-969-4324 American, English, & Continental period & country furniture, Folk Art, Quilts, Mid-Century Modern, Art, Garden, Architectural. Exceptional shop in quaint seaside village 3 miles south of Santa Barbara, off hwy. 101. West Sea Company 2495 Congress Street, San Diego, CA 92110 619-296-5356 Museum-quality marine antiques since 1975: marine paintings, ship models, scientific instruments, scrimshaw, whaling, US Navy, USLHS, USLSS, sailor folk art, medical, diving, clocks, barometers, chronometers, photographs, lamps, canes, telescopes. Colorado Dolphin Promotions (see Illinois listing) Nancy Johnson Events Management LLC 1020 15th Street #37G, Denver, CO 80202 650-773-4824 Producers of California Antiquarian Book Fairs, Print & Paper Fair, Antiques, Photography, Contemporary & Pop Culture, Events in California & Colorado. Connecticut Abrash Galleries Rugs and Antiquities 40 Main Street, North Woodbury, CT 06798 203-263-7847, cell 203-947-4757 An unparalleled collection of antique, semi-antique and new one of a kind rugs from Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, India and Morocco. Washing, repairs and appraisals. The gallery includes collections of artwork, lamps and porcelain. Edwin Ahlberg Antiques 50 York Street, Guilford, CT 06437 203-453-5009 Late 18th- and early 19th-century formal furniture and a few high-style country pieces. Antiquario Villas & Cottages Antiques 1023 Main Street, South Woodbury, CT 06798 203-263-2211 At the southernmost gateway to Rte. 6 ANTIQUES TRAIL, seven rooms of American and European 18th- & 19th-century antiques, in an Historic Register 1754 house. Dining furniture a specialty. Open daily 11 to 5; Tues. and Wed. by appt. Antiques and The Arts Weekly 5 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT 06470 203-426-3141 A leader since 1963, we bring readers the most current news and advertising from the world of art and antiques every week. Previews, results, and complete calendar listings in print and online. See our website for a free sample & subscription offer. Black Swan Antiques 1 Warner Road, Bridgewater, CT 06752 860-717-4463 Black Swan specializes in 17th-19th-century European and English antiques, paintings, and accessories purchased throughout Europe and from local estates. We offer a selection of over 800 antique Dutch Delft tiles. Also shown on California Colorado Connecticut

Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory 9 LeatherwoodAntiques~ www.leath 508-420-1433 Connecticut Country Antiques (203) 912-5522 Carole Conn, Litchfield, CT American country antiques, folk art and Americana from the 18th and 19th centuries. All items guaranteed. Online sales only. Auctions With Integrity Since 1983 828-254-6846 | Asheville, North Carolina

10 Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory Listings are arranged alphabetically by state. Capsule & Litchfield Auctions 425 Bantam Road, Litchfield, CT 06759 860-567-4661 New York & New England’s Favorite Auctioneers, est. 1994; Modern Art & Design, Fine Art & Antiques, Jewelry & Handbags, Asian & Tribal Arts, Books, Carpets, Silver & More. Connecticut Country Antiques / Carole Conn (see listing with online-only entries on p. 46) See our color ad on p. 9. Kirtland H. Crump, LLC Antique Clocks 1225 Whirlwind Hill Road, Wallingford, CT 06492-2727 203-245-7573 Antiquarian Horologist. For over forty years we have been a source for fine antique clocks and timepieces, emphasizing American Period clocks. We also specialize in clock restorations, repairs, appraisals, and purchasing fine examples. Elephant’s Trunk Flea Market Route 7 - 490 Danbury Rd., New Milford, CT 06776 860-355-1448 Connecticut’s largest, best antique Sunday Flea Market. Dealers 4:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Early Buyers $20 pp 5:30 a.m. General Admission $3 pp 8:00 a.m. April - December pending weather & field conditions. No pets allowed on premises. Hanes & Ruskin 97 W. Main Street, Niantic, CT 06357 860-304-2146 Investment quality antique American furniture of the 18th and 19th centuries, and appropriate accessories, including English ceramics, needlework, lighting, silhouettes, paintings, and metalware. Member of Appraisers Association of America. Charles Haver Antiques 3 Southbury Road, Route 67, Roxbury, CT 06783 860-354-1031 A carefully selected collection of Americana, specializing in simple, strong, and elegant forms. Bold and distinctive accessories include folk art, lighting, rugs, and baskets. Norman C. Heckler & Company 79 Bradford Corner Road, Woodstock Valley, CT 06282 860-974-1634 Auctioneers and Appraisers of early glass and antique bottles. Periodically presenting ceramics, stoneware, decorative arts, singular art objects, Americana, and estates. We welcome your conversation to discuss consignment of an item or a collection. See our color ad on p. 53. Lotus International Auctions LLC 2470 Boston Post Road, Unit A6, Guilford, CT 06437 203-689-5062 Located between New York and Boston. Fine Art auction house, oil paintings, watercolors, lithos, etchings, sculptures, MCM furniture, coins, artist estates. Low consignment fees. Worldwide exposure. Consignments accepted year round. Call us! Wayne Mattox Antiques, Auctions & Appraisals, LLC Writer of Weekly Column: Antique Talk, 82 Main Street, North, Woodbury, CT 06798 203-263-2899 American Folk Art - Colonial & Federal Furniture - Paintings - Fixtures - Collectibles - Lectures. A leading authority on antiques, Wayne looks forward to helping you build an authentic collection and add charm to your home. Old Canaan Market 79 Railroad Street, Canaan, CT 06018 860-453-4110 Litchfield County’s largest and most diverse antiques gallery. Five centuries of paintings, sculpture, furniture, works of art and decorations from Europe, the Middle and Far East, and the Americas. Open by chance or call for appointment 860-305-5813. Olde New England Salvage Co. 185 Fitchville Rd., PO Box 67, Bozrah, CT 06334 860-885-9589 18th- and early 19th-century houses, barns, outbuildings. Beams and flooring. Granite troughs, posts, steps, etc. Components to re-create colonial-era New England buildings and interiors, and landscaping. Connecticut Connecticut

Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory 11 470 Park Ave., New York, NY 10022 • 212.582.2580 1550 Scenic Ave., Ste. 150, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • 949.253.0916 • New York • California • Philadelphia • Oklahoma • Hong Kong • Paris • Wolfeboro SBG MAD SpecialAucSol_210917 America’s Oldest and Most Accomplished Rare Coin Auctioneer Throughout our history we have helped to build and have cataloged and sold at auction many of the most important collections and finest specialized cabinets ever formed. Let us share this success with you. Whether you are a beginning collector or a seasoned veteran, are still acquiring rarities or are on the verge of selling, we invite you to contact a Stack’s Bowers Galleries specialist today to find out how we can assist you in all your numismatic needs. Contact Us for More Information West Coast: 800.458.4646 • East Coast: 800.566.2580 Email: LEGENDARY COLLECTIONS | LEGENDARY RESULTS | A LEGENDARY AUCTION FIRM At Stack’s Bowers Galleries Specialized Collections Are Our Specialty!

12 Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory Listings are arranged alphabetically by state. One of a Kind Antiques 323 Boston Post Road, #3 Old Saybrook, CT 06475 860-526-9736 Established in 1975, online since 1995. American, European, and Asian period furniture, art, and decorations, 17th through 20th century; also, well-edited handmade reproductions. Online or by appointment. Pantry & Hearth Antiques 994 Main Street, South Woodbury, CT 06798 203-263-8555 or cell 203-232-4331 Authentic and superior quality Americana; specializing in Pilgrim Era and 18th C. painted and high country furniture and decorative accessories. Shannon’s Fine Art Auctioneers 49 Research Drive, Milford, CT 06460 203-877-1711 Shannon’s offers personalized service & competitive commissions for a profitable auction experience. Trusted for 20+ years for expertise, reputation, & record prices. Over $100,000,000 of Fine Art sold since 1997! Consignments accepted year round. Jeffrey Tillou Antiques 39 West Street, P.O. Box 1609, Litchfield, CT 06759 860-567-9693 Jeffrey Tillou Antiques specializes in 18th- and early 19th-century American furniture, paintings, folk art, and decorative accessories. Winter Associates, Inc. 21 Cooke Street, Plainville, CT 06062 860-793-0288 Specializing in fine estates. Live gallery auctions; phone and absentee bids accepted. Live video and audio streaming with real-time online bidding at Invaluable. com. Also on Our website has catalogs, bidding, & prices realized. Woodbury Antiques Dealers Association PO Box 496, Woodbury, CT 06798 203-263-7888 CT Exit 15 off Interstate 84 - State designated CONNECTICUT ANTIQUES TRAIL. Ten shops along a three-mile stretch of U.S. Rt. 6, and one on Rt. 67 in Roxbury. See website for a downloadable map; or call for a copy by mail. Delaware Academy Street Antiques, LLC 501 Pine Street, PO Box 401, Laurel, DE 19956-0401 302-875-1111 Fine 18th & 19th century furniture, folk-art, paintings, prints, textiles, decorative accessories, estate consultation, and seamless follow-through in a professional and meticulously transparent manner. Florida Ancient Art International, Inc. Richard & Lynette Brockway, PO Box 64-4350, Vero Beach, FL 32964-4350 772-231-9626, 772-332-7777 Antiquity dealers for 55 years in fine Ancient art: Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Near Eastern, Gandharan, Islamic, & Chinese. Specialists in Roman mosaics. Everything guaranteed with certificate of authenticity. See our website and gallery by appointment. Antique Association of Arcadia Downtown Arcadia, FL 34266 863-993-5105 Arcadia, Florida: Home of over 20 antiques shops within a three-block area in a quaint southern atmosphere. Arcadia hosts an outdoor antiques fair held on the fourth Saturday of every month. Find us on Facebook under Antiquing in Historic Arcadia. Dolphin Promotions (see Illinois listing) Adele & Alan Grodsky 5846 S. Flamingo Road #297, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33330 954-915-0290 or cell 516-236-9926 See us on Handel, Pairpoint, and Tiffany lamps and art glass. Rookwood and Newcomb pottery. Durand, Quezal, Tiffany, and Steuben art glass. Connecticut Delaware Florida

Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory 13 Listings are arranged alphabetically by state. Helmuth Stone Gallery 1467 Main Street, Sarasota, FL 34236 941-260-9703 Boutique Fine Art Gallery & Auction House located in downtown Sarasota, FL. Offering eclectic collections of Fine Art, Antiques, and Jewelry. #AB3714 Kaminski Auctions (see Massachusetts listing) Land And Sea Collection 2287 SW Brookwood Ln., Palm City, FL 34990 561-339-3383 and 772-287-7022 The finest Internet gallery devoted to nautical antiques & art in the Southeast. By appointment only. Nautical antiques, marine art, binnacles, ships clocks, ship and half-hull models, sextants, and diving helmets. Backed by a no-nonsense guarantee. Michael A. Latragna Fine Art, LLC 8229 Southwind Bay Circle, Fort Myers, FL 33908 585-230-4522 In business for over 40 years. Specializing in early paintings of Florida. Seeking dog & wildlife paintings & buying art by Percival L. Rosseau, Maud Earl, Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait, Herman Herzog, Aiden L. Ripley, William A. Walker and many more. Renninger’s Antique Center 20651 US Hwy 441, Mount Dora, FL 32757 352-383-8393 Largest Antique Center in the South. Over 200 Shops & 35 Consignment Cases. Florida’s Best Source of Antiques for over 28 Years. Open every Fri., Sat. & Sun. Indoors & Outdoors. Special Shows and Extravaganzas throughout the year. Rhinebeck Antique Emporium (see New York listing) Janet G. Smith Fine Art Consulting & Appraisal PO Box 120214, Clermont, FL 34712 402-320-1239 Fine art consulting/appraisals. 19th/20th cent. paintings. Member: International Society of Appraisers (ISA), National Coalition of Independent Scholars (NCIS) & Art History Association (AHA). Assoc. member: American Institute of Conservation (AIC). Georgia Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery 700 Miami Circle, Atlanta, GA 30324 404-869-2478 Atlanta’s leading auction house offering curated collections and premier estates, specializing in Period Furniture, Fine Art & Decorative Arts, Mid-Century Modern Furniture & Arts, Fine Asian Works, Estate Jewelry & Watches, and Luxury Automobiles. Everard Auctions and Appraisals 2436 Waters Ave., Savannah, GA 31404 912-231-1376 Full-service online auction and appraisal company with a global reach. Specializing in Fine Furniture and Decorative Arts, Asian Works of Art, Fine Art, and Vintage Cameras. Estates and large collections a specialty. Consignments always wanted. 21st Annual Madison Antiques Show & Sale 434 South Main St., Madison, GA 30650 706-342-4743 21st Annual Madison Antiques Show & Sale, May 20 & 21, 10am-5pm w/ FREE lectures at 9am. Preview & Early Buying May 19, 6-9pm. In historic Madison, GA, this show boasts 20+ national dealers & the best Southern American antiques and accessories. Scott Antique Markets PO Box 60, Bremen, OH 43107 740-569-4112 Find antique and designer items at America’s favorite treasure hunts! For more information on our Atlanta, GA and Columbus, OH shows, visit our website at Idaho Coeur d’Alene Art Auction 11944 North Tracey Road, Hayden, ID 83835 208-772-9009 Fine 19th- and 20th-century Western and American art, representing past masters and established contemporaries. Now accepting consignments for the 2022 Coeur D’Alene Art Auction in Reno. Auction highlights may be viewed at Florida Georgia Idaho

14 Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory Listings are arranged alphabetically by state. Illinois Country at Heart Antiques 470 Main Street, Marseilles, IL 61341 815-795-6616 / cell 815-915-3153 Specializing in Early Americana, 18th & 19th century country primitive furniture under original paint and surface, period accessories, early lighting. Large selection of East Coast decorated salt-glazed stoneware. Many painted firkins & pantry boxes. Country Spirit Antique Show Arcola, IL 312-957-1065 Mar. 4-5 & Nov. 11-12, 2022. Three buildings with hand-picked dealers from across the country offering quality early country antiques & primitives in Arcola, “the gateway to Illinois Amish Country.” Fri. preview times vary by location; Sat. show 9-3. Mary de Buhr 8211 Dunham Road, Downers Grove, Il 60516 630-985-9449 Rural American furniture and appropriate accessories in original and painted surface, circa 1750-1850, with emphasis on New England origin. Dolphin Promotions P.O. Box 224, Forest Park, IL 60130 708-366-2710 Dolphin Promotions Antiques & Modernism shows are among the leading venues for antiques & 20th century decorative and fine arts in North America with shows in Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, San Mateo, San Diego, Sarasota, and Denver. Homesteaders on the Prairie Antique Show Arthur Sale Barn, 1211 N. Vine Street, Arthur, IL 61911 614-325-8873 For more information find us on Facebook 45 dealers from across the U.S. with 18th-, 19th-, & 20th-C. antiques: painted, attic surfaces, treen, books, smalls. Also vetted folk artists representing the past and seasonal handmade wares. November 11-12 (Friday 2-6; Saturday 10-3). International Vintage Perfume Bottle & Vanity Items Show Doubletree by Hilton Chicago-Oak Brook, 1909 Spring Road, Oak Brook, IL 60523 407-973-0783 (Convention Chair) April 28th-May 1st. International Perfume Bottle Annual Convention. Events Open to Public. World Class International Perfume Bottle Auction, Vanity Items Show & Sale, Flea Mkt., and Educational Program. Come see all of these lovely vanity items! Old Town Antiques, Inc. 1883 Hampshire Street, Quincy, IL 62301 217-223-2963 Buy, Sell, Appraise, Restore. Specializing in late 18th- and early 19th-century American furniture, paintings, Oriental carpets, brass and copper, china, glassware, Sterling, coin silver. Professional restoration services available. Frank & Barbara Pollack American Antiques & Art 1214 Green Bay Road, Highland Park, IL 60035 847-433-2213 or cell 847-922-5141 pollack Specializing in American folk paintings; portraits, theorems, memorials, & miniatures; painted furniture, textiles, ceramics, painted tinware, folk art & related accessories of the 18th & 19th C. and Bakelite jewelry & accessories of the 20th C. Prairie Peddler Antiques 517 State Street, Alton, IL 62002 618-465-6114 We are now an on-line store only! Still bringing you the best in period 18th- and 19th-century American Country/Primitive and Formal furniture and accessories. Pure Country Antique Show 18444 N. 1600th Street, Chrisman, IL 61924 312-957-1065 True American antiques offered by more than 50 quality dealers in the perfect country setting at The Bloomfield Barn. Saturday, July 9, 2022, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Coffee, breakfast, lunch, ice cream, and live music all on site. Illinois Illinois

Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory 15 Listings are arranged alphabetically by state. Sign of the Whale Antiques 558 Crescent Blvd. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 630-469-5320 Mon.-Sat. 11-4; closed Wed.; also by appointment. 25 miles west of Chicago. 18th- and 19th-century American country furniture with emphasis on surface and original paint. Quilts, lighting, folk art, textiles, paintings. Zurko’s MIDWEST Promotions (see Wisconsin listing) Indiana David & Cheryl Craig Antiques 8017 Dix Road, Indianapolis, IN 46259 317-902-1926 We specialize in American furniture, folk art, baskets, pewter, oil paintings, redware, and spatterware. Original surface is very important to us. Our website is an opportunity to share our interests and collection. Doug Davies Auctions PO Box 5542, Lafayette, IN 47903 765-449-4515 or 765-491-2018 (Cell) 43 years of full-time auction service specializing in Early American country and period furniture, paintings, decorative accessories, stoneware, primitives, art pottery, toys, early firearms, militaria and land. Heartland Antiques Show Richmond, IN 843-812-0282 Heartland Antiques Show: June 4 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Richmond, Indiana. 100 Exhibitors from 23 states. Country, Traditional, Decorative, Folk & Fine Art. Two Buildings and Outside Spaces! Nichols & Dimes Antiques 101 Pennsylvania St., PO Box 153, Elizabethtown, IN 47232 812-371-4173 Early Americana, country & primitive furniture, quilts, textiles, folk art, and decorating accents. “A Country Gathering” Antique Show - June 11, 2022. Includes 25 dealers from various states. Free parking, great food. Open daily by appt. or chance. Tri-State Antique Market US 50 & Hollywood Blvd. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 513-702-2680 Indiana’s largest monthly antique & vintage market with 200 vendors, first Sunday of the month, May to October. $4 adult admission; attended pets & children free. Over half of the vendors are indoors/under cover so the event is held rain or shine. Iowa The Collector’s Eye Antique Show (see listing under the Midwest Antique & Art Show) Main Street Antiques and Art 110 W. Main Street, Box 340, West Branch, IA 52358 319-643-2065 Folk art of all types, country smalls, decorative and figural iron items, the unusual. Open shop. Midwest Antique & Art Show and The Collector’s Eye Antique Show 4400 6th St. SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 319-389-2041 Two antique shows under one roof. The Midwest Antique & Art Show - the source for American folk art, Americana, & mid-century modern - 67 dealers. The Collector’s Eye Antique Show - 42 dealers. Sunday, April 10 & Sunday, October 23, 2022, 10 AM-4 PM. Kansas Woody Auction P.O. Box 618, 317 S. Forrest, Douglass, KS 67039 316-747-2694 Specializing in Quality Antique Collections and Estates, American Brilliant Cut Glass, Art Glass, Firearms, Primitives, Artwork, Oriental, Lamps, Carnival Glass, Porcelain, Pottery, Sterling Silver, Native American and more. Call/email for more info. Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas

16 Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory Listings are arranged alphabetically by state. Kentucky ***BlueHorse Art Sculpture Antiques & Lifestyle*** Lexington, KY 40511 859-321-1749 Fine Art, Sporting Art, Bronzes, Sculpture, Antique Furniture - Early European and American, 20th Century Design Objects, Antique Men’s accoutrement -Since 1980By appointment or chance. 859-321-1749 Louisiana New Orleans Auction Galleries 333 Saint Joseph Street, New Orleans, LA 70130 504-566-1849 New Orleans Auction Galleries is one of the nation’s leading auction houses offering the finest paintings, period furniture, silver, estate jewelry, decorative arts and more. Maine Andrews & Andrews Auctioneers and Appraisal Specialist 71 Cross Street, Northport, ME 04849 207-338-1386 Estate and antiques auctioneers and complete antiques and estate appraisal service. Jewelry, gold, silver, and furnishings. Antique Treasures / Generations 411 West St. (Rt. 90), PO Box 147, West Rockport, ME 04865 207-236-8300 or 207-446-5900 (cell) Wide variety of antique furniture, smalls, including art, china, jewelry, mirrors and silver. Usually open daily. Look for flag flying. The Barometer Shop / James Lea Clock Shop 576 Pleasant Point Road, Cushing, ME 04563 207-354-8055, 207-650-3510, or 207-542-1601 We restore antique barometers of all types, using all original techniques. Various antique parts are available, or we can supply modern copies. We sell fully restored and operating antique barometers. Please call ahead for appointment and directions. See our color ad on p. 43. Barridoff Auctions 312 Gannett Drive, South Portland, ME 04106 207-772-5011 Barridoff Auctions is the first auction house in Maine to specialize exclusively in fine art. Our reputation for excellence and success has been built over 40 years. Fine art consignments always invited. Learn more at www. Briwax Wood Care Products 220 South Main Street, Auburn, ME 04210 800-274-9200 Briwax protects and gives life to old finishes. As a restoration product, Briwax adds a brilliant luster to worn or damaged surfaces (ten toning shades). Cabot Mill Antiques 14 Maine Street, Brunswick, ME 04011 207-725-2855 Maine’s finest antiques emporium. A 16,000-sq. ft. showroom with 160 high-quality displays. Open year round 10 AM-5 PM, 7 days a week. “You are sure to find something rare, unique & one-of-a-kind.” Voted Best of Midcoast Maine. Cornish Trading Company 19 Main Street (Route 25), PO Box 8, Cornish, ME 04020 207-625-8387 Active 3-story multiple-dealer shop featuring Americana, garden & decorative furniture and accessories. 40+ active dealers—fresh merchandise daily. Open 10-5, April-October (Wednesday-Monday); November (FridaySunday). Paul Davis Shows/Coastal Promotions Inc. August 5 & 6 at Union Fairgrounds Mail: PO Box 2147, South Portland, ME 04106 207-221-3108 41st Maine Antiques & Vintage Festival. Maine’s LARGEST show—everything from formal to folk art. Indoors, outdoors & under tents. Rain or Shine. Fully catered by craft beverage/food vendors. Fri. 12-5, $25 (good both days). Sat. 9-5, $10. Kentucky Louisiana Maine

Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory 17 Listings are arranged alphabetically by state. Farrin’s Country Auctions Inc. 36 Water Street, Randolph, ME 04346 800-474-2507 or 207-582-1455 We conduct bimonthly auctions in Randolph, Maine, consisting of antiques, furniture, glassware, and silver. Contact us for consignments of future sales. Complete Appraisal service - Fast Payment - Complete Estates our Specialty. Fine Art Conservation & Restoration Services Elizabeth Caton Pardoe, BFA, Warren, ME 04864 207-273-1375 Conservation & restoration of paintings & painted objects on canvas, wood, paper, metal & mural. Original designs offered on canvas, panel, wall & screen. Installations. Free consultations, exceptional service. Member AIC. Foreside Antiques 48 US Route 1, Falmouth, ME 04105 207-781-5367 or 207-450-4018 Dealing in all manner of estate merchandise including furniture, jewelry, silver, paintings, rugs, linens, clothing, and accessories. Open year round - check website for days and times during your visit. Robert L. Foster Auction Co. PO Box 203, Route One, Newcastle, ME 04553 207-563-8110 Auction facility, estate liquidations, individual consignments, antiques, coins, silver, and gold purchased or consigned. Bruce Gamage Jr. Auctioneer/Appraiser 467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841 207-594-4963 Fine Art & Estates Auctioneer/Appraiser in midcoast ME for 50+ years. Specializing in Early American Furniture, Paintings, Oriental Rugs, Walking Sticks, Wyeth Paintings & Prints and Libbey Wooden Eagles. Auctions all year with fresh Maine antiques! Goosefare Antiques and Promotions, John & Elizabeth DeSimone PO Box 45, Saco, ME 04072 800-641-6908 or 207-284-8657 Promoting quality antiques shows in Maine, NH, Boston, & Cape Cod since 1970. Also dealers in fine period antiques of the 18th, 19th, & early 20th centuries, with an emphasis on early furniture, glass, china, & Americana. Check website for updates. Grogan & Company (see Massachusetts listing) Hathaway Mill Antiques 10 Water Street, Waterville, ME 04901 207-877-0250 Discover the gem that is Hathaway Mills Antiques, sister shop to Cabot Mill Antiques. 10,000 sq. ft. multi-dealer shop. Featuring quality antiques. Open year round, 10am-5pm, Wed.-Sun. Make Hathaway Mill Antiques your next antiquing destination. Hidden Away Antiques 22 Cushman Hill Road, Woodstock, ME 04219 207-381-0505 FIND US ON FACEBOOK. One-owner shop with selections of a group shop. Open by appointment or by chance. Indian Trail Antiques 23 Indian Trail, PO Box 279, Newcastle, ME 04553 207-586-5000 Come explore a spacious 18,000 sq. ft. 1800s barn with quality antiques. Automobilia, Vintage Toys, Period Furniture, Advertising, Nautical, Military and so much more! It’s more than a store; it’s a showcase where history is bought and sold. Jonesport Wood Company Inc. / Liberty Tool Antiques & Old Tools Hulls Cove, Searsport, & Liberty, ME Hulls Cove 207-288-5126; Liberty 207-589-4771 3 locations: Hulls Cove, Searsport, Liberty. Antiquarian & used tools, old hardware, books, prints, paintings, postcards, collectibles, primitives. Estate lots & old tools wanted. 1-888-405-2007. Free catalog of artwork: R. Jorgensen Antiques 502 Post Road, Wells, ME 04090 207-646-9444 Antiques of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, formal and country furniture and accessories. American, British, French, and beyond in two buildings on a National Registered property. Open daily. 10 AM to 5 PM Mon. to Sat.; Sun. 12 Noon to 5 PM. See our color ad on p. 45. Maine Maine

18 Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory Listings are arranged alphabetically by state. Lustersheen & Lustra... the Briwax alternative 220 South Main Street, Auburn, ME 04210 866-343-3377 Lustersheen products are for the maintenance of antiques, reproductions, fine finishes and woodwork in the home. Try Lustra...the Briwax alternative. Macdougall-Gionet Antiques & Associates U.S. Route One, 2104 Post Road, Wells, ME 04090 207-646-3531 or 207-251-2363 (cell) Our 63rd yr. - 57th in Wells, Maine. Antiques, furniture, china, porcelain, copper, brass, pewter, folk art, primitives, Queen Anne, Chippendale, Hepplewhite, Sheraton, American Federal, lighting, toys, Americana, English, Continental & Oriental. Maritime Gallery at Searsport Antique Mall, 149 East Main Street, Searsport, ME 04974 cell 361-790-3964 Antique nautical—scrimshaw, ships’ lamps, American Marine China, paintings, sailor ropework, telescopes, compasses, helms, blocks, and much more. Pam and Gordon Stanley, owners. Hap Moore Antiques Auctions PO Box 16, 611 U.S. Route One, York, ME 03909 207-363-6373 44 years in antiques. 35 years auctioning solely estate antiques, collections and select items from private households. Provenance or family history available on all merchandise offered. Licensed in ME and NH. Oliver’s PO Box 337, Kennebunk, ME 04043 207-985-3600 Member of National Association of Professional Appraisers, licensed auctioneers in Maine and Massachusetts, appraiser of collections and estates; auctioneer of antiques, fine art and collectibles. Pine Tree Stables Antiques & Collectibles 1125 Riverside Dr., Route 201 North, 6 miles from Augusta, Vassalboro, ME 04989 757-784-0891 Shop closed. If interested in buying beautiful glass contact: Elizabeth Bourgoin, 757-784-0891. Port ’N Starboard Gallery (Michael Leslie) 41 Colonial Dr., Durham, ME 04222 207-407-3160 Marine Antiques, Paintings, & Folk Art. Ship portraits, yachting, Cape Ann, Nantucket, Hudson River, ship models, half hulls, dioramas, whirligigs, weathervanes, carved eagles, trade signs, lighthouses, photography. At Freeport Antiques & Heirlooms. Pumpkin Patch Antiques (Phyllis W. Sommer) 15 West Main Street, Route 1, Searsport, ME 04974 207-548-6047 Select group shop specializing in early American furniture, items in paint, books, art, folk art, silver, rugs, African masks, nautical, and accessories. Tues.-Sun., 9:30-5:00, 3rd Saturday in April to October 31st. Winter: by appointment. Quarry House Antiques 108 Common Road, Union, ME 04862 207-785-2087 Selling books, china, glass, furniture, rugs, rare postcards, and more. Great deals and special discounts for antique dealers. Opposite the Union Fairgrounds. Dennis Raleigh Antiques & Folk Art 15 W. Main Street, Searsport, ME 04974 207-805-4564 A new gallery filled with 19th/20th C Americana, Folk Art & Decorative Objects of Art & Desire. Weathervanes, decoys, hooked rugs, great smalls, accessories, early glass, paintings, trade signs. Year round. 100 years of antiques. 1 stop, 2 shops. Rocky Mountain Quilts/ Betsey Telford-Goodwin York Village, ME 03909 207-363-6800 For Sale: 550+ antique quilts c.1780-c.1950. Authenticity & condition guaranteed. Professional quilt restoration (same date original fabrics). Quilt washing & verbal online appraisals. Quilt shop open by appt. Please call or email with any questions. A. E. Runge, Jr. Oriental Rugs 108 Main Street, Yarmouth, ME 04096 207-846-9000, FaceTime 207-831-8567 Maine Maine

Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory 19 Listings are arranged alphabetically by state. Specializing in smaller-sized decorative vintage Persian and Caucasian village rugs for condominiums, apartments, and senior housing. Washing, repair, restoration, pads, and appraisals. Open: most Wednesdays & Thursdays - please call ahead. W.M. Schwind, Jr. 51 East Main Street, Yarmouth, ME 04096 207-846-9458 or cell 207-415-8747 Shop established in 1967 with diverse inventory including period furniture, paintings, glass, ceramics, hooked rugs, and antique jewelry. Located in an historic 1810 house. Shop is open year-round, Monday through Saturday 10 to 5. Skipjack Nautical Wares 1172 State Route 32, Round Pond, ME 04564 207-219-0897 Est. 2003 in Virginia, our new showroom is housed in a renovated 1820 two-story barn. Offering authentic maritime antiques, lamps, lighting, furniture, furnishings, and marine art. Visit our webstore for a preview. Open year-round by appointment. Patricia Stauble Antiques PO Box 265, Wiscasset, ME 04578 207-882-6341 or cell 207-841-2562 Five rooms of 18th-19th-century American furniture with original paint and old patina, including art, nautical, pottery, folk art, hooked and Oriental rugs, and good smalls. By appointment only. Now located in Edgecomb - 6 minutes from Wiscasset. Charles M. Talbot Associates 55 Poplar Hill Road, Turner, ME 04282 207-225-3797 Our auction company specializes in estate, on-site, and household sales. We have resumed our business in full and are appraising, purchasing, and consigning items for our auctions. Thomaston Place Auction Galleries 51 Atlantic Highway (U.S. Route 1), PO Box 300, Thomaston, ME 04861 207-354-8141 Maine’s premier auction & appraisal company, specializing in fine art, antiques, decorative objects, silver, jewelry, coins, vehicles, and real estate. Offering free appraisals in our gallery every Tuesday, 10:00 - noon & 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. Wizard of Odds & Ends 45 Head Tide Road, Alna, ME 207-586-5006 or 207-633-7423 In Historic Head Tide store, affordable, great mix of antiques in country setting. From Wiscasset take 218 North about 9 miles. Mostly weekends off season. Summer: 11-5 (closed Tues./Wed.). Spend a day in the country. Facebook & Instagram (listed). Maryland Classic Collections at the Vault Mailing address: PO Box 910, Eastville, VA 23347 Located at 105 Market St., Historic Pocomoke City, MD 21851 757-678-7500 Art glass, 18th and 19th century European furniture, fine art, Venetian chandeliers, semi-precious stone carvings, inlaid tables, bronzes, fine estate, diamond, antique gold, and silver jewelry including a large selection of 14k & 18k vintage charms. Alex Cooper Auctioneers Inc. 908 York Road, Towson, MD 21204 410-828-4838 Alex Cooper Fine and Decorative Arts auctions include a unique variety of antique and reproduction furniture, porcelain, glass, sterling silver, jewelry, paintings and sculpture, Oriental rugs, Asian arts, and collectibles. Est. 1924. Guyette & Deeter, Inc. Decoy Auction Company, PO Box 1170, 1210 South Talbot St., Unit A, St. Michaels, MD 21663-1170 410-745-0485 Three auctions per year of antique decoys, related flat art, ammunition advertising. Approx. 325-page color catalog for each auction, with guaranteed descriptions & presale estimates, $45 includes shipping. Free Appraisals. Weekly online auctions. Maine Maryland

20 Maine Antique Digest 2022 Antiques Trade Directory Listings are arranged alphabetically by state. McNIEL & REED Rex McNIEL & Ben REED, 29546 Whipple Drive, Delmar, MD 21875-2515 410-896-9417 or 443-359-0500 18th/19th C. CHINESE EXPORT-Japanese Imari, Satsuma, Sumida Gawa, Tortoise, Ivory, Tea Caddies, Lacquerware, Artwork, Staffordshire, Majolica, Figurines, Lamps, Folk Art, Rugs, Canes, Boxes, Mudmen, Inro, Papier-Mâché, American/English Furniture. Howard B. Parzow, Auctioneer PO Box 314, Frederick, MD 21705 301-351-6544 For over 44 years my auction firm has specialized in apothecary-drugstore-dental-medical-scientific-advertisingcountry store-gas station petroliana & estate auctions. We advertise nationwide and have a very strong in-house “Live Auction” following. The Print Portfolio Gallery 10936 Martingale Court, Potomac, MD 20854 301-335-3611 Fine prints of the 18th and 19th centuries. Historical, genre scenes, natural history, sporting. Robert M. Quilter Fine Arts 829 North Howard St., Baltimore, MD 21201 443-812-0554 Located on Baltimore’s historic Antique Row. Specializes in American regional art, furniture and objects from the 18th century to present. Realistic prices combined with a curated eye is the gallery’s strategy. Open most weekends or by appointment. Massachusetts Antique Associates at West Townsend Expert Brokers of Antiques, Art, and Antique Arms, 473 Main Street, West Townsend, MA 01474 978-597-8084 Diversified collections of quality period antique furniture and decorative accessories, 17th to 19th centuries. All items guaranteed. Call for pictures/inventory information. See us every month in M.A.D. Antiques Depot Proprietors Jack & Ciara Fritsch, 2 South Beach Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 508-228-1287 One of Nantucket’s oldest and finest antiques shops, offering quality 17th, 18th, & 19th century Formal & Country Furniture, Art, Pottery, Folk Art, Oriental, Marine antiques and Scrimshaw, Ancient Artifacts, and an extensive collection of Decoys. Stan Block 128 Cynthia Road, Newton, MA 02159 617-332-8477 I want to buy old baseball items, leathers, silks, postcards, pennants, cards, banks, bats, clothing, autographs on balls, or anything else. Brimfield Antique Shows 6 Mill Lane Road, Brimfield, MA 01010 781-420-3375 Brimfield Antique Shows LLC is an event and auction company specializing in live in person and online antique and vintage events featuring the hottest vendors in the industry. Join us for our flagship show Hertan’s or for one of our traveling shows! Brimfield’s Heart-O-The-Mart PO Box 26, Brimfield, MA 01010 413-245-9556 Don’t miss this early Brimfield show of high quality antiques and collectible exhibitors. 2022 opening dates: Wednesday at 9 a.m. on May 11th, July 13th, and September 7th. Brimfield’s New England Motel Antiques & Collectible Shows 30 Palmer Road, Route 20, Brimfield, MA 01010 508-347-2179 400 booths of fine antiques & collectibles. “Indoor & outdoor decor”—3 barns inside shopping—higher end. 2022 dates Wed.-Sun.: May 11-15, July 13-17, Sept. 7-11. Opens Wed. 6 a.m. Food court. Parking central to all fields. ATM. Shipping. Campsites. Central Mass Auctions 255 Park Ave., Suite #1000, Worcester, MA 01609 508-612-6111 Antique auction house with offices in Boston and Worcester, MA, conducting upscale antique estate auctions and online estate auctions. Maryland Massachusetts